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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
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Ok I just got my new tamagotchi plus... Ok I guess you have to watch it all the time or at least when its a baby.. I looked away not harldy a minute to post and looked at it when I was done and it had pooped! Also how do you play the dance game exactly? I can't figure that out. Do you just follow it as it moves or??? I am not sur e I understand.

The dance game is simple!...

If your Tamagotchi goes

<-- That way you press 'A'

^ If it goes up press 'B'

--> That way you press 'C'

Just copy the moves your Tamagotchi does by using them buttons

<--- ^ --->

A     B     C

And yes I suggest you watch them when they are babies LOL! (If you want to)

Hope it helped! ;)


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Ok yea I got the following part. But when I try to move on to the next dance steps It always stops and cries.... I only was able to keep going once. Its not a baby now though its a child. I keep missing the poop becuse im not looking. its hard to look at it all the time. It doesnt make a noise when it has the waves around it. So its like you just have to be watching so you see when that happens. So far I have missed 3 times and got it 2 lol. I hope I can get better. Thanks for your help!

Ok something I have noticed. Is even though all the hearts are full it sometimes will still eat its food. Since I have the tamgotchi plus its like all japanese. I am not though nor do I understand it. So I assume the top option is healthy food and bottom is snak.


When it was a baby it had bottles. One was white one was black... Since it was black it makes me wonder what that baby was drinking? Chocolate milk? lol Now that it is a child it has something I assume it must be like rice and a candy. When eats the candy it looks like its chewing. I find that cute.


Anyways... So do they eat more even if they have full hearts? Or is it just a baby thing? Cause so far she hasn't done it again.. Yea btw its a girl. The white one right?

Okay, I'm REEEEAALLY Frusterated with this game BUMP. How do I play it? It doesn't matter if I get the bar all the way full I still loose. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE E-mail me or whatever to tell me how to play? PLLLEEEEASE? Thank you :marumimitchi:

It seems to work best if you let your Tama get quite heavy before you play.

Hope this helps

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