Tama & Earth EXPO is back (mostly)


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Sep 1, 2019
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So i noticed that nearly all of the FamiTama SWF's where on the web archive. (with the exception being the ones related to the Tama Theater and annoyingly chara/*)  with that i rebuilt the site and got it mostly-functional i put the files on my webserver: you have to enable flash player for it to work though


Only thing that doesnt work is login/logout passwords with the actural V5 Tamagotchi, (it just accepts every login password as valid and doesnt give anything for logout) as the passwords where generated on the server side. you'd need to dump the V5's ROM to reverse how it worked and just learn the secrets in general ... 


the only modification is to famitama_shell.swf which was to change "famitama.com" to "famita.ml" though the original files are also on there and can be used if you edit your etc/hosts file .
oh, i also rewrote some of the server-side scripts (such as game_rollarcoaster.php - used for saving images from the "Perfect Rollarcoaster Image" game.  
i might try implement the survey's too, should be possible... 
i thought of giving out the V5's "special" promo codes (the v5 codes that can be used regardless of username or login password..) in place of logout passwords (atleast.. until its known how logout is generated) .. but have not done that yet..
EDIT: the survey votes are now counted. (nerds can see my terrible php code here) :-:  anyway~ go say who best tama is 


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This is really impressive! I was aware of the fact that a lot of the V5 swfs were archived but without being able to get past the initial loading screen I had no idea it was actually this complete and functional.

I also really appreciate that you've collected the files in a google drive for people to easily access! It's important to find ways of preserving these files in places that are easily accessible.

This is really impressive! I was aware of the fact that a lot of the V5 swfs were archived but without being able to get past the initial loading screen I had no idea it was actually this complete and functional.

I also really appreciate that you've collected the files in a google drive for people to easily access! It's important to find ways of preserving these files in places that are easily accessible.
it fails to load normally because it tries to GET http://famitama.com/pc/cgi/Famiif.php at startup  it expects a webform-encoded response with "ResponseCode=OK" ^

if littearlly any request fails (not 200/OK status) it goes to the "Tamatown is experiencing downtime" message-

(btw- that address is hardcoded into the SWF file and is not a realitive address .-. i had to change the assembly to point to famata.ml instead~ though you can also just edit your hosts file to make famitama.com point to your own server. but thats not noob-friendly.)

side note, it acturally was GET-ing /crossdomain.xml first which drove me mad. i had no idea why it was trying to download crossdomain.xml nowhere in the actionscript does it say to do that. but it turns out its just Adobe's answer to cross-origin policys i kept looking thorugh the code wondering wtf was wrong until i eventurally just googled "crossdomain.xml" and i felt really stupid XD-

Oh btw i just updated the site to give """logout password"""s (realy it just randomly selects one of the "special" codes from this list: 

but hey its something right? XD) the v5 logout password doesnt look that complicated tbh. 

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UPDATE: You can now use login password created by actural connections v5 tamagotchi to "login" to the games - it will give you a logout password from that

so you can unlock items & gotchi points :D  - if you dont have a connections V5 you can use the password "0000 0000" or "5555 5555" for games on the royal ship, since apparently bandai made it so japanese famitama's cannot connect to the royal ship games.. 

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