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Oh I will get another one! Ellie needs a Freind!!

Hmm I will get another Purple one!!

It's name will be Grace

It will have a very Nice life!!

*Lays a Pillow ready*

srry it took to long i was in a compititon at niagra falls

okay TAMAGIRL2008

heres your egg ()

ohh no its hatching ```(#&^)```

it hatched to a :angry:


bday: july 16

fav color:pink

fav food: ravioli

fav drink:fruitopia

okay x_tamagotchi_x

heres your egg ()

your egggs hatching !! ``($#^)``

heres your tama :kusatchi:


bday:april 25

fav color:eek:range

fav food:mc donalds

fav drink: apple juise

okay tamabunny4242

heres your egg ()

its hatching ```(#%%)``

it hatched to a :)

name: tweety

bday:may 12

fav color;brown

fav drink: cocoa

fav food: chocolate

have fun!!!

okay i_hart_my_tama

heres your egg ()

your eggs hatching !!```($^&)```

it hatched to :furawatchi:

name:(pm or post)

bday: june 25

fav color:red

fav food:chocolate covered strawberries

fav drink:cranberry juise

okay shadowfire~SF

heres your egg ()

its hatching ``($%^)``

it hatched to a :(


bday:april 17

fav color: purple

fav food:hamburger

fav drink:water

please adopt more

heres your egg ()

your eggs hatching !!```($^&)```

it hatched to


name:(pm or post)

bday: june 25

fav color:red

fav food:chocolate covered strawberries

fav drink:cranberry juise :D

Name Pip

Can i have a red egg I'll name it .........


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