Tama Fan from Denmark joining in =D


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Dec 28, 2006
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Oh, after a bit of problems with signing up it, it finally worked for me and I'm very glad to be here! :D

Kudos to TamaTalk, I've been visiting this great place every now and then and now I've decided to join in on all the Tama fun!

This place looks so cool, I love the layout and design aswell :)

I'm Malenetchi aka Malene, I'm from Denmark and a 23 year old Tama fan!

When the Tama wave struck Denmark many years ago, I was the happy owner of 1 actual Tamagotchi and many, equally lovely digital pets in every size and shape - My love for the little cyber pets has never died and currently I'm the happy 'mom' of a V2 and a V3 Tama, a loadful of Nano pets and other digital pets :D Actually, I am also the happy owner of the V3 and V4 fakies that spread via eBay not too long ago (they're not that bad actually *LOL*) ;)

Tamagotchi are not my only passion, I'm first and foremost a dedicated My Little Pony collector and there's nothing I'd dig more than a My Little Pony digital pet :D :D

Where as Tamas are my oldest passion, these little rainbow-colored plastic ponies are probably my strongest passion and while my Tama (and the like) collection only count 10, my pony collection count whole 500+ ponies alone spread out on the 3 generations of ponies Hasbro has made :p

In RL I'm also the happy owner of 2 handsome rat boys and 3 lovely lady kitties and living on a farm here in Denmark with my hubby, who lets me nerd with my Tamas and ponies as much as I'd like *LOL* Maybe because he's a hardcore Monchhichi and Transformers collector... ;)

That was a bit about me :D I'm very happy to be here and I'm sure I'll have lots of fun here aswell!

If any of you ever need to ask question about Monchhichis, Transformers or My Little Ponies, you now know who to ask - just as I now know where to turn with any Tama or digital pet questions ;)

Hugs and Happy Holiday wishes from Denmark!

Malenetchi <( ^ _ ^ )>

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Wow! You sure like to collect! :wacko:

Well, I'm Tamagirl_Desy. I collect stuffed animals, tamagotchis, and other digital pets. :wacko: I joined Tamatalk June 22nd of 2006, so I've offcially been a member for 6 months going on 7 :wacko:

I am seriously obsessed with this website, and I'm sure you'll soon become like me; on 24/7.

Again, welcome to Tamatalk! There are so many things to do here, and so many nice people...what's there not to love? :wacko:


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