Tama-go - boys!


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Sorry to say, I made my own, I'm really sorry, but still make one. You'res will have pictures and you'res is going to be better than mine. :)

great growth chart

will be helpful when i get tama-go

or if i get it

I made Tama-go boys growth chart:https://www.iaza.com/work/100803C/Tama-go_boys_GC28896.png

Light green square means Perfect care

Yellow square means Great care

Light blue square means Ok care

Red square means Bad care

Black square means Horrible care

I'm going to make girl chart soon!
I think the toddlers you get are random; not based on care. I've gotten Mattaritchi from a perfect care baby.

I don't know. When I got my Music Star, I tried to get good care toddler but it becames to Kuchitamatchi.

I usually get perfect care characters in my Music Star.

Or tama-go toddlers would be like in v3: If you have healthy parent, you get good care child.

Hmm... I took perfect care of my Tama and it grew into Kuchipatchi. Perhaps it has something to do with the discipline meter only being half full?

great... now all we need to start posting is log in codes ( for ppl that dont have the :)

[QUOTE='/={3]great... now all we need to start posting is log in codes ( for ppl that dont have the :)
[/QUOTE]Please don't post the codes.

You could list of characters you have but seriously... Ask people to PM you for them... I'm sure many people STILL Do NOT want them passed out yet.

People are still getting them... They've really been only out for a month in larger numbers...

I think the toddlers you get are random; not based on care. I've gotten Mattaritchi from a perfect care baby.
binary is correct. As I posted in the girl topic, baby's on the Tama-Go are random. I have received a Hoshitchi (listed and Bad Care) from perfect care. Please fix this. :rolleyes:

I can't edit my first post anymore, but here's fixed versions:



Do you know that can you get different child, if you have healthy parent?

Or are toddlers just random?

Yes, the links are broken for both the boys and the girls growth charts. It says 'Page Not Found' when I click the link. It's quite frustrating, so please fix them.

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