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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hello! I am going to try and keep up with this log for a while, so dont get mad at me if I forget to post daily or something.

I just got a Tama-Go yesterday, and it is the white one with the Kutchipatchi figure and background.

What I did was I flipped the kutchipatchi background paper around, put glitter on the white side, and put it in.

Now, my tamagotchi egg has a plain glittery background! Hooray for my creative mind! :)

On to my tama. When I hatched it, I didnt really want a certain gender, I like it to be a suprise. I got a boy !

And the first thing I noticed was, "OH, HOW CUTE THE BABIES ARE!" Thay are the cutest little mushroom critters yall ever saw!

Haha I sounded country just then ^-^ Well I fed him some of that pork and beans, and I played a few games, which are actually REALLY fun. I found the shoot the bug game super addictive. He evolved into the ugliest little tama when he was a toddler, I dont know what its called, but its a little ball with weird teeth and little hairs or something. I was dissapointed, and I thought, maybe its ugly because I took bad care of it! But I didnt take bad care of it, when it beeped I checked it and when it pooped I cleaned it, and its training was half up! Hmm, suspitious. Well, today at about 5:30 it evolved again into a little monkey thing, which I dont really care for, either. I am taking SUPER care of it now, hoping that it turns out to be something cute, and not the sheep thing which I dont like, or tarakotchi, whom looks like a tater. Right now, Carl is on Tamatown, and we are trying to get more money. I changed his room to one with a checkered floor and a chair and a table. I think its quite cute.

I have to go and earn some money, I need furniture!

Bye- Jily :p

Today, nothing much happened, I went to school and when I got back my tamagotchi was doing pretty well. Way better than the older versions. He had two happy hearts left and no hungry hearts, but when he ate and played a couple of games, he was perfect.





Gen. 1G

Hungry: ♥♥♥xx

Happy: ♥♥♥♥x

Train: ▐▐▐▐▐

Friendship: xxxxxx

Character: 1


Points: 2940p

Username: Jily

:) Jtlyk, my username on TamaTown is LL5459. 5459 is Lily and LL is Lily Lazer.



Well good golly gracious, my tama changed! Its now a cute little Neck tie guy! I am on Tamatown, and so I am going to lend this post.

I am going to do a full log today. I am not good with keeping up on things, espechily things that are on the computer.

So my tamagotchi had a wild day yesterday, I went to my friends house and I set it down by the couch for a few minutes.

Then, I brought it into the toyroom, where I also set it by this couch.

I left it there for about 10 minutes.

And when I came back, he wasnt there.

I thought, well hes asleep anyways so I will just find him in the morning, because there was no light.

So I got up to go find him in the morning, and he wasnt there. We ended up going to the movies.

After we got back, I asked her little brother if he saw it. He said that her little sister took it and put it in her closet.

We asked her if she put it in her closet, and she said yes, and then she said no, and then she said yes, etc.

So we looked around for a while, and finaly we found it under the couch in the living room.

He is four years old, 67lb, training is half way up, and we have 3360 pts.

Goodbye, farewell!
