Tama-Go lens ridiculously easy to scratch up.


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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Tamagotchi Town (formerly Music City)
Is it just mine, or is every transparent plastic lens on the Tama-Go just begging to be scratched (and having their wished granted?) I've had mine for two days now, I've taken great care of it, and it still looks like someone took their keys to it and tried to use it as a scratchcard.

Someone please tell me that this isn't just my luck this time. :)

No it isn't just you. Mine isn't too bad, as I have been keeping it in a pouch and being extremely careful, but there are still hairline scratches and scuffs. I actually emailed bandai a few days ago, asking them to send a replacement which I can immediately put some sort of screen protector on.

We'll see!

It's not just you. The newer Tamagotchis in general, especially the TMGO and TMGC+C are notorious for having very scratchable screens. I sure wish they were made out of the material that was used for more of the vintage Tamagotchis and even in the early Connection Tamagotchis. Those are sturdy!

OMG! I know its like HORRIBLE. When I took it out of the box I could of sworn there were scratches already on it.

I guess you could buy displex or cut out a screen protector for it. When I take it to school I have it wrapped up in a shirt in a purse xD

Mine look horrible. :) '

I also got a +Color and it looks like it was in the care of a 5 year old.

Mine look horrible. :) '
I also got a +Color and it looks like it was in the care of a 5 year old.
Oh dear. I plan on somehow asking my dad to use his slightly computer-illiterate superpowers to try and snag me a Tamagotchi +Color for Christmas. If we're going to spent $50+ on it, I'm going to have to find a way to protect that screen without ruining it or having to hide it away in a drawer or keep it in a plastic bag all the time. Ah, poop. :)

It's a little more tricky trying to protect the +C because the screen is curved. Oh well. Like I always say, I try my absolute best to minimize the amount of scratches on my Tamagotchis but imperfections are a mark of good care and add character to your Tamagotchi. :) That usually makes me feel a little better about it! Scratches aside, I do recommend getting a +C. They're simple yet very awesome!

agreed.............i thought i was the only one for a second.
I hope Bandai will sell some screen protectors, cuz I would totally buy them
Well, I've heard tell of some members using regular cellphone or iPod screen protectors. You just cut them to fit onto the screen. Might be doable on the TMGO, but since the TMGC+C's screen is slightly convex, it's hard to stick the thing on and keep it on.

A-ha! I read about the troubles of the Tama-Go lens before I ordered mine, so I made sure I had some screen protecters around. I don't even notice they're there ^-^

I know, my Tama-Go looks like it went threw a Catch game where it was the ball. ;)

What exactly do you use..?
Screen protectors for the Nintendo DS. I take the lens off the Tama-Go and trace around it onto some paper. Then place the new protector (with the backing still attatched) over the template I just drew and cut it out into that shape. I use a sewing needle to make a little hole marking the centre of where each button will come through, and then use a hole puncher to create the three button holes. Then I stick the protector onto the lens and peel off the backing. It fits perfectly ^-^

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