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Yay! Well thank you for all the 270 views! And I have some awesome news! Well Roxa is still the same but now she's 5 years old. So she's aging but it's taking forever. But on the bright really happy things my music star came today! Yay! Yay! Yay! *continues and does happy dance*

Yeah so as you can tell she's pretty excited so I guess I'm going to be doing this post today. But that's fine with me. So I'll tell you very thing that has happened. We went and picked up her music star from the post office and then she started it up. It's the feel the beat one and super pretty. It was a cute little baby boy and she named him Lowe, because of her obsession with Rob Lowe but she won't admit it. He is so adorable, but now he is a kuribotchi, he's so cute! And he is here to say hi to the log because Christina decided to add him to it.

Hello. I'm Lowe. I'm gonna go play guitar now, bye.

Sadly, he is a man of few words. *guitar plays in back* ahh, he will be a great father one day. Oh and I got another letter from my parents, I think I'll write them back tomorrow, here's the letter:


Dearest Roxa,

Hello sweetie, it's your mom and me. We were just wondering

On how you were doing, so how are you doing? Has Christina

gotten her tamagotchi music star yet? And is it a boy or is it a

girl? What's it's name? And are you aging right or is your timer

still messed up? Have you met anyone because before you marry

him you better let me talk to him and interrogate him. So I hope

visit us soon or at least write us back. Your mom and I miss you

a lot and we really hope to see you soon. Love you.


Mom and Dad.


Okay well we hope to see you soon Tama talkers and hopefully everyone will be able to focus, come say bye everyone.


See you Tama talk! *continues happy dance*

Hello everyone! Second page! I'm in a great mood today, mostly because I got my music star yesterday!! Yay!! So here's a quick update, Roxa turned 6 today and I took her to the date place, here's how it went:


Roxa went to the date place first thing when she woke up, of course she put on some fancy clothes first. The first person she met when she got there was a Shimashimatchi named Elou. But he was wayyyy to nice for her. Then she met 3 Kutchipatchi's in a row and they were all pretty much jerks. So she went back one more time but all that was left was only a few old men. So she apologized to them and said that she just wasn't into any of them. Roxa went home and decided to try again tomorrow.

Christina: Hey how did your marriage go, well where is he? Where is your husband?

Roxa: I don't have one, yet.

Christina: Well don't worry honey, your going to get married I promise.


Well it's kind of lame because I still don't have a husband but I will tomorrow. Oh, Lowe kind of grew out of his "man of few words" phase, so here he is,

Hello! Lowe here, I love my name, I think it's the best name in the whole world! I'm a Kikitchi! Oh and I have a band! This is how we all met:


Lowe: Hey is this your guy's first day at music school too?

Veronica: Yeah. Who are you?

Lowe: The name's Lowe, who's your friend?

Louis: I'm Louis, that's Veronica. She's kind of controlling. Want to form a band?

Lowe: Yeah man! What should we call our self?

*Louis and Lowe completely ignoring Veronica*

Louis: Let's name it BEAST!

Lowe: Yeah! That's awesome!

Veronica: Um hello? Am I invisible?

Louis: See what I mean by controlling?

Lowe: Well Veronica, what do you want to name the band?

Veronica: PINK!

Lowe & Louis: ...... NO! Were naming it BEAST, and that's that.

Veronica: Fine, but I'm going to go talk to Christina okay?

Lowe: Sure, me and Louis are going to the restaurant to hang out.


Back at Christina's house:

*knocks on door*

Christina: Hello? Oh hi! Are you one of Lowe's friends?

Veronica: Yeah, I'm in his band.

Christina: Oh yeah he called me and told me about it, so how can I help you?

Veronica: Can we talk?

Christina: Um, sure come on in.

Veronica: Okay so I'm in a band with 2 boys, 2! And I think there kind of taking control of the band. So do you think I should still be in it?....................... TO BE CONTINUED.......

Last time on tis tamagotchi log, Roxa was going to get married but she didn't want to marry any of the bachelors given to her. Lowe turned into a kikitchi and formed a band with a chamametchi named Veronica and a nonopotchi named Louis. Veronica went to speak with Lowe's "mom" about the band:

Veronica: so do you think I should still be in it?

Christina: of course! Trust me, Lowe should lay. Off being a total dude and he should listen to you more, and if he doesn't then just talk to him and ask him if he even notices you, and don't worry about it because I'll talk to him. Okay well you better get back to music school, when he gets home I'll have him go straight there with Louis and have you practice.

Veronica: okay, bye!

*as Veronica is leaving the house, Lowe and Louis stroll in, they notice her and then immediately start asking questions*

Lowe: what are you doing her? Mom why is she here? What did you guys talk about? Louis why is she here? Veronica what did you talk about? Mom talk to me. Veronica talk!

Roxa: woah woah woah. Let's slow down little buddy I bet everyone has a fair reason of why their here. Veronica why are you here?

Veronica: well from the first second we met and formed a band you guys totally started ignoring me. Like naming the band BEAST? I mean come on I wanted to name our band something else, like LOOKOUT or LOHWC meaning look out here we come. But you guys completely ignored me so I came here to get some advice that was it, and it's nothing bad so I don't know why you to are freaking out.

Lowe: okay. Fine. Sorry we ignored you. But we can't change our name so I guess we can start noticing you more. Louis,

Louis: oh yeah, sorry, I guess.

Veronica: come on let's go practice.


Well you sure in a good mood, why?

Oh maybe just because, I got married! *girls scream*

So no big wedding like you mom?

No, I just felt like it was right and I didn't want to wait and neither did he, here he is, Eddy, say hi.

Hey Tama talk! My wife told me about this awesome log and I just couldn't wait to say hi! And I met Lowe and I heard his band play and boy, they are awesome! Lowe signs with the dream mic and Louis plays wikis gituar while Veronica plays the timpani. It's awesome! Well were going to go shopping for food but were going to be back later, tomorrow, hopefully with a baby! Bye everyone!

Bye everyone!


Awe. Well they sure cute! By the way, Eddy is a Gozuratchi! *Lowe walks in carrying his mic* Hey hon, how was practice?

We did okay, we played a few of our songs, one I named after veronica, I named the song, Beautiful Veronica. But a few judges heard us play so that's good I guess, what's up with Roxa? She's really happy.

Cute name, do you like Veronica? And Roxa got married to a boy named Eddy. Well we have to go but well be sure to see you later, bye tamatalk!

Good I'm exhausted. Bye tamatalk!

*Lowe storms in* AH! Veronica I can't even begin to tell you how mad I am!

Lowe, just tell me what I did wrong?

Oh, hm, okay. Well me and Louis practiced like crazy every day just so when we changed into adults and the judges saw us play that we would get pro duet! I changed into a Shimashimatchi and he turned into a Togetchi! And you turned into the most beautiful Memetchi I have ever seen! But you let me and him down by not practicing enough. At least I thought you could do that for me.

Lowe, I'm sorry! The last judge didn't vote yes just because he was and idiot! You know I tried. Were going to try again and I promise you that we are going to make it! Please Lowe!

*Louis strolls in obviously mad* Oh there you are Veronica! Why are you here? Well I can tell obviously that your NOT practicing! Hey, how does it feel letting your whole band down? Good or does it suck? Cause it should!

*Voice cracks* I'm so sorry. I think you guys know that. I told Lowe that I am going to practice really hard so when we try out again the judges will say yes to us! *Heads to the door*

Where are you going?

To practice. See you at the audition. *Leaves*

Great. Now what?

Well lets practice, we will catch up with her at the audition but for now I guess we can't do to much. *Louis and Lowe practice*


At the audition:

Lowe and Louis stumble in. Lowe is carrying his mic over his shoulder with all of the wires and cords they need for the audition. Louis is carrying his guitar. There both are kind of hoping that Veronica wont show up. But of course, she is there sitting in the corner with her timpani looking around chewing on her nails. Lowe and Louis stroll over to Veronica.

Lowe: Hey, sorry we got all mad. We were just upset that we didn't make it, and we all practiced really hard, it was just that one judge, it's not you fault.

Louis: Yeah, sorry I was screaming, so are we going to do this or what?

Veronica: Okay, lets set up everything.

The band set up all of their music instruments and get ready. The judges walk in with the most serious looks on their faces ever. Lowe says that their band name is BEAST and who everyone is and what they play.

Judge 1: And what is the type of music you play, and what is the name of the song?

Lowe: We play Asian music and our song we are going to play is Beautiful Veronica.

Lowe, Veronica, and Louis all look at each other with the same look on their face. What was Lowe thinking of? They were going to play, Ready or Not. Lowe nods at them giving them the signal that they were going to play that song. They perform and all the judges say yes! They go back to Lowe's house to celebrate.


Yes! You guys that was the best performance ever! Were already in 3rd star ranking!

Definitely! Me and Louis have to go but well stop by here before the concert tomorrow. *Veronica and Louis leave*

Hey loser, how was your audition?

Awesome! We made it!

Nice going little buddy!

Hey everyone! I heard! Still no id yet huh? Well don't worry it will happen I promise. And Good job on the audition, But we have to go so say bye everyone!


See Ya!


Toodles? Okay whatever floats you boat. Bye Tama Talk!

Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting yesterday it was my sisters birthday and we went out to dinner, So Lowe and his band had a few concerts since then. Their best one went a little like this:


Band walks up on stage all of them wearing the same light blue shirts with pink letters that say, BEAST. Deal with it. All of their equipment is set up because they make a LOT of money. Veronica looks at Lowe.

Veronica: Lowe? Is that you? Why do you look so different?

Lowe: Oh don't worry, it is me, just Christina got me this awesome costume and I decided to wear it! How do I look?

Veronica: Ha, cute, I guess.

The band play their songs and then Louis runs off stage, checks his phone then runs back on stage.

Louis: Lowe! Lowe! you have to go!

Lowe: Why? We just got finished?

Louis: Roxa is having her baby!

Lowe's face goes completely white.

Lowe: You guys have to come with me! Come on! Let's go!

Lowe jumps into his super car and Veronica and Louis hop into the back. He speeds his way to the Hospital with Veronica and Louis holding on to their seats paying that nothing bad will happen. Luckily Lowe was a pretty good driver so they arrive there all in one piece. Lowe rushes to the desk where the secretary is sitting.

Lowe: What room number is Roxa in?

Secretary: I'm sorry, what type of tamagotchi is she please?

Lowe: Chamametchi. Come on hurry up!

Secretary: Sir please calm down, I'm doing the best I can to find out what room.

Lowe: .....

Secretary: Room 108

Lowe: Where is that?

Secretary: Upstairs, take the second left then it's on the right.

Lowe: Thank you!

Lowe, Veronica, and Louis run to the room where Roxa is having her baby. Outside Eddy is pacing the floor.

Veronica: How is she? Has she had her baby yet?

Eddy: Yeah, Their taking measurements and stuff, we can go see her in a minuet.

Christina and the Doctor come out of the room:

Doctor: You can go in now.

They all crowd in the room that's only meant for two, maybe three people and all stare at the adorable little baby boy. Roxa say's that she is going to name him Tyson. Oddly, Tamagotchi's recover very fast from having a child so right then they head home. With Christina driving, she decided to make a quick stop.

Xenia and Geoff open the door to see Christina with 6 tamagotchi's standing near her. They only recognize one.


Mom, Hey! It's me. This is Eddy my husband *Geoff gives him a glare* This is Lowe he's Christina's music star tamagotchi and the Memetchi is his friend Veronica and the Togetchi is his other friend Louis. And this, is my baby, Tyson.

Gaaaa Gooo?

Xenia has tears flow to her eyes, He is perfect.


The whole "family" Hangs out in Geoff and Xenia's house. They all eat sushi and smoothies. In the end Eddy, Roxa, Tyson, Louis, Veronica, Lowe, and Christina head home and go to sleep.


Next time: What do you think I should write about next? Pm me!

Hello everyone. This is going to be a quick post because I'm on my iPad. So let night I told Roxa that her and Eddy will be leaving that night. She took it a lot better than her mother did but she still called them to say their goodbyes. It was kin of akward for Eddy because he only met them once. He said goodbye over the phone to Geoff and then Geoff flipped out. He was screaming at Eddy and saying that it wasn't right that he met Roxa and then married her the second they met. Xenia was actually on Eddys side because she believed in love at first sight. Eddy said, "Well at least I'm not some old hag that left her daughter and she didn't even know who you are" Geoff quickly replied, "Like you son is going to know you!" But what Geoff didn't know was that Eddy left a not for his son, so he would know who his father is. At midnight Geoff and Roxa left. They left me with their baby son Tyson. Lowe and his band are kind of slowing down because their going to get married soon. Well I'll post if anything exciting happens! Bye! Please pm us, because we LOVE fanmail!


~Christina, Tyson, Lowe. Thanks Plopman! :)

Well hello everyone, sorry that I haven't been posting for the last few days. And sadly I have some terrible news. Well I got super busy because I had to plan a birthday party and we went to fireworks. So I lost my tamagotchis for 2 days and when I found them, they were dead. I was devastated. But tomorrow I'm going to start them up again and log like crazy. So I need 2 girl names and 2 boy names. Whoever sends me wonderful fan mail that I love so much wil be applauded on the log!!! So send in those fan mails and as a plus, whoever names I pick for my adorable tamas, their names will be in my signature! You know you want to be in there. So send them in! Go go go! Send me a message, NOW! till tomorrow lovely tamatalkers:)

Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating, again! But I promise I'm going to keep it up from now. So I took the batteries out of my tamago and I restarted my music star. It hatched and it was a little girl. I named her Sukki. Which is a really weird name but I like it. ^_^ So here she is and she really want to say hi to everyone

Hello! I'm Sukki! I heard that I had a "dad" kind of that was a bee! He was so cute, in a family type of way. And I think I'm all ready the cutest thing alive! I play the guitar! But I want mom to get me a harp. I think it's my calling. I hope when I grow up I become a Mimitchi or a Memetchi. I heard that you form a band with people but I was wondering, does anyone have some good band names? And I know this is a log, they give fan mail here right?

Um, some people. Plopman88 I love you! :D

Christina, please. This log is about me right?

Yes darling but we have to be nice to these people who read this log okay?

Fine Christina. Does anyone on here know how to use the music star gen? Because we were trying to use it but it kept on saying that it was wrong. If anyone knows how to fix this please message me, not Christina :p Because I know you all read this log for me right?

:rolleyes: Sure darling. Come on, lets go look at the other logs, okay?

Okay, Bye TamaTalkers!

Goodbye everyone!

Hey everyone! Quick update! Well I'm going to go to Kentucky for 3 days! So yeah. I'll try to post if I can but if not then I'll have a huge MEGA post like fkod does sometimes:) so bear with me guys! See you soon!

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And let the mega update begin!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONDAY:

Christina woke up at the crack of dawn and left to go to Kentucky. Sukki woke up at a normal time, still a Tamatchi.

Sukki: Christina, I'm going to go to preschool!!

Christina: Wait? How come I didn't know about this? When did Mrs. Frill come?

Sukki: She came this morning, and she gave me a mirror!

Christina: Well, are you going to play with it?

Sukki: No thanks, I like my fluffy Panda.

Christina: Suit yourself. Now eat some baby food then off to school.

Sukki: Can I have real food soon?

Christina: Yes darling. Now go before you're late!

Sukki goes to school, spends the entire day there then comes home, very happy.

Christina: Why are you so happy?

Sukki: Oh maybe because I tatally BEASTED at jump rope at school today.

Christina: It's totally hon. Not tatally. So okay, make any cool friends?

Sukki: Yeah, but why would you care? You just care about grammar.

Christina: That's only because I want you to excel in school. Now go practice your singing. You need to be good for your audition so you get pro debut.

Sukki: Fine mom.

Later that day, Sukki changed, into a Chamametchi. She was proud.


Sukki: Christina! Did you see that I changed?

Christina: I know! Chamametchi! That's great!

Sukki: Well I got to go be awesome at jump rope, be back later.

Christina: Darling, you know that you don't go to preschool anymore, right?

Sukki: What?

Christina: Yeah. You meet new people, and hopefully form a band.

Sukki: Awesome! Bye Christina!

Christina: Bye :blink:

~At school~

Sukki is at school, sitting in the corner, scared from all the kids she doesn't know. Two lovely tamagotchis approach her. A Ringotchi named Lisa and a Ichigotchi named Thu. :ichigotchi:

Thu: Hi. Do you want to form a band maybe? I'm Thu and this is Lisa

Lisa: Please? You look cool.

Sukki: Sure! What should we call ourselves?

Thu: How about..... CHICKSSS?

Sukki: Sure! I like it, Lisa?

Lisa: Definitely!

~Back at home~

Christina: Hey darling, how was school? Meet anyone?

Sukki: Yes.

Christina: Who?

Sukki: Thu and Lisa.

Christina: What did you do?

Sukki: Stuff.

Christina: Like?

Sukki: I don't know Christina. We practiced. We formed a band. I'm just really busy because I'm the lead singer.

Christina: I told you all of that hard work would pay off, what's the name of your band?


Christina: Cool. So am I going to meet Thu and Lisa?

Sukki: Yeah tomorrow. Were going to meet here before we go to the audition. Wish us luck.

Christina: Okay.


Sukki: CHRISTINA! Come in here right now! HURRY!

Christina: What's wrong? Are you having a heart attack? A stroke? Choking? Have a bag wrapped around your he- whoa.

Sukki: Major major whoa. Look at me! I look like trash! I can't get this stupid mask off of me!

Christina: Calm down. I actually like Masktchi. :ph34r:

Sukki: Yeah but it's not going to be good for the band!

Christina: It's okay. You look beautiful in my eyes.

Sukki: Thanks mom but I still feel bad.

Christina: Want to go make chocolate brownies them smother them with cookies and chocolate ice cream?

Sukki: Let's go.

~Later that day before audition~

Thu and Lisa knock on the door. Sukki answers it.

Lisa: Whoa.

Thu: Major major Whoa.

Sukki: I know, I know. You guys look decent. Me? I'm a mess.

Thu had turned into a Violetchi :furawatchi: and Thu a Sebirtchi.

Christina: Well I think everyone looks fabbity fab fab. Come on in, we made drumsticks.

~At the audition~

Announcer: Next up we have, CHICKSSS! Enjoy the show, please do not get up for refreshments now. Thank you.

Sukki, Thu, and Lisa walk out on stage. All of them are wearing shirts that say, CHICKSSS on them.

Sukki: Hello. Thank you for coming out tonight. We are going to play our song, Let's go down disco, for all of you. Please enjoy.


Judge 1: Ew. Practice more, please. X

Judge 2: Quite nice! Keep going! I see CHICKSSS going places. O

Judge 3: Were you deaf man? They were horrible? X

CHICKSSS storms off stage.

~Back at home~

Sukki: Well obviously we do not look fabbity fab fab.

Christina: It's okay darling. Those judges were lame just keep practicing. You'll get there.

Sukki: I know, I'm just worried that my kid might not have enough money. We have NO food by the way.

Christina: I know, music star gen isn't working. Just keep trying and you'll get there! I believe in you.

Sukki: Thanks.

Christina: More brownies?

Sukki: Yup.

Hello everyone! I'm kind of in a depressing mood today. Sukki found a letter that Lowe was going to give to his kids, if he ever had them. *tears* So I read it and it was quite depressing. Sukki is out getting stuff to make chocolate cake. Here is the letter:



Hello. If you are reading this you are most likely

wondering, who is this letter from? Well this

letter is from someone very important. Have

you ever heard of the band BEAST? Well I was

the lead singer of that band. But I'm not just

that. I am also your father. I'm suspecting

that your name is, Marshall or Lilly. I always

loved those names. Your mother did too very

much. I just wrote to you because I want you

to know who your father was. I made a lot

of money when I was there where you are now.

And I will be sending some to you throughout

your life. Just promise me you wont waste it.

I hope you want to live the same life I did

and feel free to use my dream mic. I love

you with all my heart child. Hopefully I

will see you soon.

Love, Lowe.


Sukki walks in with a store bough cake.

*Sobs* I miss Lowe so much!

Yes I know. But you have to move one. We all miss him.

You didn't even know him.

I knew him in my heart. Guess what just happened?

Please don't tell me that you ate the last sausage because we don't have any more money to buy any food.

No, CHICKSSS made pro debut!

Really? Awesome! What song did you play?

We played our number one hit single, Let's go down disco.

Nice. Is Thu and Lisa coming over?

We already went out and celebrated, but there going to come over tomorrow before our first concert being officially signed! And I bought some food and a pop CD. I'm saving up for a new instrument. I have to go, think of some new songs for the concert. Bye Tama Talk!

Goodbye everyone. Jeez I miss Lowe more than anything.

Hello everyone! First off before any logging, we got fan mail! Yes. Some people out there actually love us! Thank you for the 486 views and the people who rated 5 stars! so here is what Plopman88 (read their amazing blog here!

Sent Yesterday, 05:55 PM 

I tattaly (xD) love the recent update.


Check out my log I made it for my Tamagotchi named Yoko.


Here is a link to a Tamagotchi ID that someone hacked into and translated.To get the link to work you have to click it 3 times.


Violets are blue. Roses are red. Better get ready cuz your gonna eat lead. "BANG!!"
So they are quite amazing.

*knock on door*

*Sukki walks in, fixes her hair a bit* Hey Christina, I'll get the door. It's probably the band anyway. There coming over because we had two concerts yesterday so were going to get packed on food, practice a bit, then go shopping.

Okay, hey did you buy food with the money you got when you reached pro debut? Because other wise it's going to be baby food and milk.

Yeah I did. Just act normal please?

I'll try.

*Thu and Lisa walk in*

*Thu strolls in chomping on gum* Oh my gosh! Hey Sukki! Lisa has to run out to the car real quick and get our instruments. She can be so lazy most the time. Ya know what I mean Sukki? Hey what are we going to be eating? Cause I spent all my money on clothes and Cd's when I got my paycheck.

*Lisa stumbles in carrying 2 guitars and all the wires* Oh hey Sukki, where should I put this?

Oh just set it anywhere. Now lets eat!

*Sukki, Lisa, and Thu eat practically their own weight in pizza slices after they practice a few new songs that Sukki has wrote*

Okay, here is our set list for what were going to be playing:




~Let's go down the disco

Sounds good to me, let's go shopping!

*At the mall each girl has 40 dollars to spend. Lisa goes straight to the instrument store. Lisa straight to the clothing store and Sukki kind of wanders around, then sits on a bench thinking.


???: Hello miss.

Sukki: Oh.... hello.

???: Do you need help you look a little lost.

Sukki: On no, I'm fine. I'm just trying to think of where I should spend my money.

???: Whoa! Your the girl from CHICKSSS! I'm a huge fan! I've been to every one on your concerts!

Sukki: Oh! Really? Awesome! You can help me decide what I should buy for the band!

???: Okay. How much do you have to spend?

Sukki: 40 dollars even.

???: Well I know the most perfect place! I work here actually!

*??? leads Sukki to a store where they make, basically anything for you. She makes 4 bracelets that say CHICKSSS on them and gives one to ???*

Sukki: You never told me your name.

???: That's for me to know and for you to find out.

Sukki: Well I better get back to the band. We have a concert tonight. Call me?

???: Sure I will.

Sukki: Okay, bye.


Back at home:

Thu: What happened to you? You were gone the whole time we were at the mall. Did you meet someone?

Lisa: Yeah. Was he cute? What was his name? What type of tamagotchi was he?

Sukki: Well I don't know his name, he didn't tell me but he was the cutest ------------ I've ever seen!

Lisa: Awwe so cute!

Thu: What did you buy, or were you too busy staring into his eyes?

Sukki: Don't be crazy I bought something. And He said that he was a huge fan of CHICKSSS and he worked at the mall so he showed me the best place to buy something, then I bought one for him so he has one. And I gave him my number so he said he would call.

Thu: Well what did you buy?

Sukki: I bought bracelets that say CHICKSSS on them, Lisa what did you buy?

Lisa: I bought two new picks for me and Thu and for you I bought, a new microphone stand.

Sukki: Thanks!

Thu: Well I bought us shirts that say CHICKSSS on the front and on the back it says the set list for that night.

Lisa: Awesome Thu! Well now what?

Sukki: We have a good amount of time before the concert so go back home and be back here 2 hours before the concert. And Thu, bring you car.

Thu: Sure thing Sukki! Bye Tamatalk!

Lisa: Bye Sukki and Tamatalk!


Well that sure was exciting.

Tell me about it.

What about that guy? Whats his name. What does he look like? Is he nice? Come on, details!

I don't know his name but he was the most handsome --------------- I have ever saw. And he said that he would call me!

Awesome! But we have to go, I'm starving. Bye Tamatalkers!

Goodbye everyone!

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Hello Tama Talkers! Well to start off I want to tell you about what happened last night before the concert that CHICKSSS had to go to. Here's what happened:


Before CHICKSSS leave to go to the concert they are all at Sukki's house preparing for the concert. Then the phone rings.

Sukki: Hello?

???: Hello is this Sukkin?

Sukki: No this is Sukki, can I help you?

???: Yes this is Phillip. We met at the mall?

Sukki: Oh yes! You are the Tosakatchi I met! Hey what's going on?

Phillip: Well I know you have a concert tonight but I was wondering if,

Sukki: Yes?!?

Phillip: Well if you weren't too busy.

Sukki: Yes?!?

Phillip: Could you get tickets for me and my friends so we can go?

Sukki: Tickets?

Phillip: Yes, you were very nice to me when we met at the mall, and I kind of promised them that I would get tickets, then they were all sold out so, You have three tickets right? And you can get them for free right?

Sukki: Yes. I can get them.

Phillip: Sweet! I'll see you before the concert. Bye Sarah.

Sukki: Bye.

*Sukki puts down the phone, fighting back tears.*

Lisa: Who was that Sukki? Got a date or what?

Thu: Yeah you were on the phone for quite a while.

Sukki: It was the Tosakatchi from the mall.

Thu: Awe, is he coming over or what?

Lisa: Yeah like did he ask you out?

Sukki: No, he didn't even know my name. He just wanted free tickets to the concert tonight.

Thu: Ouch, sorry girl.

Lisa: Just forget about him, he's a big fat loser. He doesn't know what he's missing out on.

Sukki: Well I just thought that we were like soul mates or something. Because were both shy. But how could he be that rude?

Thu: Oh I know how you feel darling.

Lisa: Thu your dating a Mametchi, how would you know?

Thu: I just do okay. Sukki don't worry you'll find someone perfect for you!

Sukki: Thanks you guys, come on let's go were going to be late.


At the concert:

All of the CHICKSSS are wearing t-shirts that Lisa bought, using all of their new equipment that Thu bought and Wearing the bracelets as well. Before the show Sukki see's Phillip sitting outside the concert stage with two buddies around him. He is looking for her. She ducks under the crowd and strolls onto the stage. She would never give a jerk like that free tickets.

Lisa: Did you give mall man the tickets?

Sukki: His name is Phillip and no. He can pay for them just like everybody else.

Thu: Nice going, We go on in 5 minuets.

Backstage bouncer: Hey, CHICKSSS, we got a little boy here who wants to say hi, do you mind?

Sukki: No, not at all, bring him in!

Eli: Hewwo, I'm a big fan. Have you ever read this? Cause I'm in it.

Lisa: Awe your so cute *CHICKSSS sign a poster he has*

Eli: Thank you! Good luck tonight.

Thu: Awe. So cute.

Backstage Bouncer: Your on in 30 seconds.

Sukki: Thanks.


Sukki: Hello everyone! We are CHICKSSS! *crowd cheers* Thank you. We are going to play Everything, Tosakatchi, Plopman88, and Let's go down the disco. *Out in the crown Sukki sees a Androtchi looking at her*


Thank you very much, we are CHICKSSS!



Lisa: That was the best ever! We got an award! Sukki go get the Rock n Roll award from the king!

*King hands Sukki award.*

Dean: Hello, My name is Dean. Would you like to go out for coffee?

Sukki: Are you talking to me?

Dean: Who else would I be talking to?

Sukki motions to the band then they leave.


Back at home:

Hey Sukki, how did the concert go? Thu and Lisa called me, telling me not to bring up, P-H-I-

Yeah Christina I know. Guess what happened?

Did you win an award?

Well yes but something MUCH bigger than that.

Did you g-

Yeah! I did! Married! Here he is, Say hi honey.

Hello everyone! My name is Dean. Androtchi. Yes I know what your thinking, I can't believe they got married the day they met, but that's how things go around here I guess. I have been so almost every concert ever and finally got the guts to ask her out.

You got married? That's great! I was kind of worried that you weren't going to! But does that mean what I think it means?

Oh yes it does: Lily, get in here!

Gaa, goo gee?

Ahh! She is so cute! *Picks up baby*

Well while she melts over our baby were going to end this post here. Bye Tamatalkers! Sukki say bye!



:ph34r: :wacko:

Hello Tamatalkers! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2. So I was busy yesterday! But your lucky because not to much happened. Except that Sukki and Dean sadly left. They took all of their money, like there going to use it all, and most of the skill points. But this morning I woke up to their lovely baby Lily. I named her, fed her and then before I knew it she was a little Hidoetchi :hitodetchi: . Simply Adorable.

*Doorbell rings*

I got it Christina!

Hello Darling, you must be Lily I presume?

Um, yes. I'm Lily I presume.

Well, I have some great news for you! I'm Mrs. Frill! And from now on you get to go to preschool! At preschool you meet new friends and here is a wonderful train you can have. I hope you come soon!

Goodbye Mrs. Frill!

Well, she was nice. Do you want to go?

Of course I want to go! I'll see you later Tamatalk!

Goodbye Tamatalkers! I'll check back in later today. Maybe:)


Hello Tamatalkers! I guess I haven't been officially introduced to this log so now, I guess I am! I was reading through the other posts before I came along and I can't believe that my mom was a Masktchi! But she did so well once she got signed. I mean she got 2 awards and a TON of money. I don't know if I can do as well as she can. I know that tomorrow I got to a "music school" instead of preschool and I form a band with some people I'll meet there. But I can't think of any cool names! I don't want to be in a band with 2 boys. Like what happened with Lowe and how he named his band BEAST. So I decided to ask you what are some good names for a band? So you can pm us and if you are running a tamagotchi, I would love to talk to them! So send in those messages!

*Doorbell rings* Nazotchi here. I have some mail.

Coming! *answers door* Hello! You have mail?

You must be Lily I presume.

Yes! I am Lily I presume! Can I just have the mail please?

*Hands over mail* Have a wonderful day ma'am.

Hmm. Bills, bills, junk, letter from Sukki, fan mail! *rips open fan mail, reads* Awee. Thank you Momo8890tamagotchi! Your so sweet!

*Walks in from kitchen* Wait! Did you just say letter from Sukki?

Yeah, why would you care?

Ahh! Give me it!! *snatches the letter from Lily's hands and tears open*


Dear Christina and Lily,

Hello you wonderful people,

I miss you very much and I

am pretty sure that you

know that. I think you

might miss me more than

I miss you. When we left

last night, Dean took me

up to tamatown and showed

me everything. It's totally

awesome out here! CHICKSSS

is still going strong and

we sure are working hard.

Lily, I know that you might

not know who I am really but

it's okay. If you read the

earlier posts then you might

get a better understanding.

Dean, your father misses you

a lot. He took care of you

mostly when I had concerts

to go to. Well you can use

my mic if you want. I miss

you. Hopefully you write me

back and tell me what your

doing! We miss you very much.


Sukki and Dean.


*bursts into tears then runs into other room*

Okay well she's out of it, so I'll post tomorrow. Do you guys think I should write my parents back? Bye everyone!


Hello everyone! I'm just kind of bored so I decided to update! Well I have been looking for a while now for a new tamagotchi. I really want a color or an idl. I found an idl on eBay for a good price. So do you guys think I should get and idl or what? Pm me why I should or shouldn't.

Hey Christina. What's up?

Whoa. You changed. Did you even know that you did?

What, I changed? Whoa. Cool I like it! Chamametchi right?

Yep. Well are you going to go to music school now?

Yeah. That band manager came over and gave me an accordion. Like in going to play that, not. But I'm using mom's mic. Hopefully she won't mind.

I'm sure she won't. But are you going to go or what?

Bye Christina. See ya later.


Lily: I better meet someone nice here, hopefully not a bunch of freaks.

*an itchigotchi and a ringotchi approach her*

Lydia, itchigotchi: Would you like to be in our band?

Thu, wow no new names? Ringotchi: Yeah, want to join?

Lily: Not really but who else do I have to choose from?

Lydia: Well it's either us or questionable smelly steve.

Thu: Please, come on. Were the last of the class.

Lily: Fine. What are we going to call ourselves? How does 4ever! Sound?

Lydia: Yeah, I like it! I'll play the accordion.

Thu: I'll play guitar.

Lily: Okay, come round my house tomorrow and we can practice. Bye you guys! Bye Steve......


*Lily walks in* Hey, how was school?

Okay, I formed a band with Lydia and Thu. So it wasn't horrible. There nice.

Thu? Wow no new names huh?

I know right? Well I got to go, were having practice here tomorrow. Bye tamatalkers!

Bye everyone!

Hello everyone! We know that we missed a good two days full of not updating at all but we have some great news! On Wednesday I evolved into........... Makiko! I know, not what you were thinking. I really wanted to turn into Chanotchi, but oh well. so I met up with the band and Lydia had turned into a Chanotchi and Thu turned into Onputchi. So we practiced and then we went to the audition.

Oh yeah, how did that go? Did you make it?

Are you kidding me? No way! Were horrible and besides it gets kind of boring just going to concerts and playing the same song over and over again.

What? You mom loved it.

Yeah okay enough about my mom. She gets on my nerves way to much. I don't even know who she is really. And I'm NOT her!

Well lets calm down. You don't have to try if you don't want to, okay? But I just thought you were like your mom. Sorry I said anything.

Okay. Well I just want the band manager to come, bring some guy, and marry him so I can have a kid then move on to Tamatown. Goodbye for now Tamatalkers!


Hello everyone! How are y'all doing? Good I hope! Well I sure am in a good mood. So yeah I wasn't a good day for Lily, I'll have her tell you.

Hey Tamatalkers, I know that Christina is in a good mood but I am NOT. I had a really bad day, we aren't making pro debut and we suck. I know. We practice like ALL he time with the band and the judge on the far left always says that were horrible. It's not fair. I think it should be a majority vote, ya know? So tomorrow I'll be 5 and hopefully be married. Hey Christina?


*sighs* Can I write a letter to my parents?

Well of course you can you silly-willy-billy! Here's some paper.


Dear Mom and Dad,

Hello! I miss you very much. Thanks for writing me!

I just wanted to tell you how my life is going so,

here I am writing you, 4EVER! Has been trying very

hard to make it as well as you did mom, but I guess

it's just not working out for us. So I guess I'm going

to give up. Well I'll miss you, oh, wait, hold on I

have to go to a concert, be right back. Hey! Guess what?

Well forget about that whole, "I'm giving up thing" because,

we made PRO DEBUT! Yeah, so were awesome, see you soon.




Hey, nice going on pro, I love you!

Okay you can stop now, bye tamatalkers!

Goodbye! *dances off into the other room*

Hello tamatalkers! I know I was in a bad mood yesterday but today, I'm feel great! So I was talking to Christina about how much i really wanted to have a kid so they would know how amazing their mom was. So after I begged and begged to her she finally decided to set the time to 12:30 so that I would get married. So the band manager came today and told me that he had a really nice guy for me. He brought a Dorotchi, he wasn't the exact type of guy I thought I would see my self marrying, but hey sometimes you surprise yourself! So he proposed, his name was Marshall, so cute! And we had the most adorable baby girl!

Hey Lilypad?

Yeah Marshmallow?

*Gags* Really you guys?

What are we going to name our little baby girl? I want her to have something cool and pretty, maybe Bronte?

Bronte? Maybe. Let's ask those amazing fans that read this awesome log, so what do you guys think we should name out little baby girl?


I'll leave you two here to talk as a married couple. So I'll go take care of the kid, send in those baby names! Bye everyone!

Hello Tamatalkers! How is everyone doing? Good I hope! I'm in a very awesome mood because, TamaTown is working and so is music star gen! So Christina got me a ton of cool stuff! And Sukki, my mom, sent me makeup today! Do you guys like this font?

Ohh! Can I tell them about the thing?

Go for it Marshmallow.

Well, we picked out an awesome name for our baby! Well actually NintenNerd did, thanks! You know we love you! So our little girl is going to be named... Nolle! Adorable right?

Hey you little lovebirds, what are you doing?

Telling the fans about out baby names.

Hm, cute. So are you glad I got you this present? *Whips out present from behind beck*

What did you get me? *Rips open present* 3 New York tickets! Yay! Really? I love you so much! I got to go tll the band! Be back in a few. Bye!

Well she sure was excited.




Lily: *runs in* Hey you guys! I have something AWESOME.

Lydia: What? Show us!

Thu: Ohhh, Lily I like you top.

Lily: Oh thanks I got it a-

Lydia: Hello! Come on! What do you have?

Lily: Oh yeah, Christina go us tickets to New York!

**All girls scream**



Hey Lilypad, how did it go?

Great! But I'm going to go to New York.

What you leaving? Your leaving me here with YOUR baby AND you mess of a husband?

Lily! You can't leave me here with you crazy owner!

I'm just going to be gone for a little while, chill out you guys! I'll be back soon.


Wow! Your finally back! How did it go?

Good, but I'm exhausted, night!

Your going to bed? This is the last night I get with you! Come on! Spend one day night with me!



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