Tama-go question


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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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I have a Chamametchi Figure, and I want to know how do you sell to other tamagotchis? I saw some people do it. I need help. Thanks. :)

You can sell to others on the Chamametchi figure only when your character you raised is a Chamametchi herself. Same goes for Mametchi, Memetchi and Violetchi figures. Not sure about the figures that have restaurants on them.

~shawdy~ :)

You can sell to others on the Chamametchi figure only when your character you raised is a Chamametchi herself. Same goes for Mametchi, Memetchi and Violetchi figures. Not sure about the figures that have restaurants on them.
~shawdy~ :eek:
So going off that, would that be why I can't buy anything out of the Mametchi toy shop? My current character is a Mametchi, and when I get to the shop, no items appear. If I press any button it gives me, "Close? (yes, no)."

Aha thank you ^^

Just got the mametchi about 20 minutes ago, so I figured I would check here before I raged and took it back as defective, lol.


(After reading the part in your link)

That's adorable! It's like they go to work!

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