Tama-gos too large to play with in public?


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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
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Okaii guys, I really want a tama-go, but one of the reasons that I like tamas are because of how little they are. they are easy to just check on at school... but since if they are too large I won't be able to carry them to school since my school rule states 'no electronics'.

SO can anyone give the size compared to a music star, and how big it is compared to a everyday item, just so that I could see?

*FOR BRITISH TAMATALKERS - Sale on tamagos in argos, at 7.99 apiece, great bargain!*

Thanks everyone :3

(I only want one because I lost a music star down a balcony... and I can't find it on the ground, probably some kid took it :'( it was on 4th gen as well!! D: )

They are big... But not as big as other Bandai toys... See my log, 2nd post image... That is way larger.

If you get a coin purse, with a lanyard to hook it to... Its not a big to me.

Get gotchi figures if you can. It make it a bit better later.

Here's a comparison photo of a Music Star and Tama-Go. It's quite a bit bigger, and will bulge in a pants pocket, but is a little easier to hide in a jacket pocket:


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That looks REALLY large... in fact, its probably best to hide it in my rucksack! D:

Edit: Thank you! :)

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D: I can't do that! I hate to pause my tamas during the day. Because if I leave it on pause at home, I'd have to leave it at home from 7am till around 5ish, and my mum comes home around 5:30pm. My mum hates the beeping of the tama and says I'm ruing my eyesight, whereas if I play it at school (she knows I do) she doesn't really say anything ;) so any good ideas to take a tama-go to school, hidden? btw we have bag searches and it's to bulky to keep in a pocket unnoticed.... any ideas? My uniform - white shirt, jumoer, blazer, skirt, normally shorts and socks or tights depending on weather, shoes... what can I do to hide a tamago? (I would get another version tama, but mum doesnt allow me to order from internet and toys r us don't stock any tamas no more... :( )

Hmmmmm...Well I suppose you could hide it somewhere unexpected...Maybe in a little plastic bag in your lunchbox? :p I've never been to school so I wouldn't know. x3

I don't take packed lunch... and if we do, we normally have it in a transparent plastic container, which you can see through! D: Darn, darn... if only my music star didnt fall down the balcony.. (I have another, but I don't want to play with it as its for collection purposes ;) )

I don't take packed lunch... and if we do, we normally have it in a transparent plastic container, which you can see through! D: Darn, darn... if only my music star didnt fall down the balcony.. (I have another, but I don't want to play with it as its for collection purposes ;) )
Perhaps you should use your Music Star, and use the Tama-Go for your collection? If not, there must be some place to hide a Tama-Go...in a little coin purse that's still big enough to fit it?

do you have a pencil case cause thats what I'm planning to use to hide my 3 tamas including my tama-go.

What you can do to leave it at home is to set the time to when it's sleeping, and then leave it until you get back to it. Your tama will still grow normally, and it won't die. If you really don't want to do that, then I suggest either keeping it in your pencil case like bunnychi43 said (sneaked my iD L in like that once), or put it in a small pouch or pocket in your backpack and check up on it during breaks. Tama Go's are hardy (ish) and will do fine if you fill up their happy and hungry meters before class.

Oh yeah....about training...:/

Maybe some days you could pause it, just to delay the growth a bit, and work on the training from there. :/

Really, I think the best option is to pop it into your backpack or pencil case and care for it from there. ;)

I think so too... but I need to hide my phone too because my school allows no phone ://

The tamagotchi go isn't THAT big :p I was actually disappointed at how small it was when my brother got one. Just think of a normal tamagotchi - it isn't big, it's just very very thick ;)

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