Tama is the KKK?


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Jan 1, 2006
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My toddler tamagotchi just evolved into the teenager Piroriroritchi, which I swear, looks like a member of the KKK, ESPECIALLY WHEN SLEEPING. (check the link for the v3 character chart to see it) I mean, come on! *Who* authorised a tama to look like *that*????? It is the CREEPIEST thing I have ever seen! Has anyone else noticed this or am I the first one to see this???

I think that you're just looking for a reason to be offended. Piroriroritchi looks nothing like that.

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ok i dont think bandai would do that and i have that character right now and i think its adorable!!!!! it looks NOTHING like a member of the KKK!!! :wacko:

I have to STRONGLY disagree in this topic. In no way, shape, or form does that look like what you say it does. I think it looks more like a skinny Santa having just come out of a chimney, covered in soot. My personal opinion.


*topic moved to "What's on your mind"

I dunno what the KKK is, but I think he looks like a black christmas tree, with little arms and legs, and the little star on his long string thingy is the christmas star! :gozarutchi:

I thought it looked like a Pikmin. Besides, wouldn't it have to be white?

Lucky! i want a piropiroritchi! and it has nothing to do with the KKK. Why would you say that? if that was true, tamagotchi's wouldnt have been really popular as now.

so its a coincidence (why would a toy be racist anyway? :huh: )

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