Tama Life, major change.


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Jan 4, 2007
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"we're moving", Katlyn said to her lovely tamagotchi bopping about on the screen.

Nora was shocked with the news, and as an immediate instinct replied, "what!?"

"well, we're moving norii!",repeated katlyn, trying to keep her bubbly complexion, even though she too was hurt.

Katlyn took nora back to her room and climbed up the ladder to the attic, there Nora had her little mansion, lovely rose wallpaper and soft wood flooring and a sweet smell of lavender filled the room, nora's heart burnt to realise she was going to be leaving all this behind. She had everything she wanted; curtains, furniture, pillows, everything, an spoilt tama she was.

"well, i'll leave you to it", katlyn said and went downstairs to find a shoe box as a temporary 'house' for her tama.

She painted it and decorated the walls with lovely purple and blue, then she placed a lovely soft towel with laces in the bottom, she later creeped up again and took the tiny bottle of lavender oil and put a few dropps on the towel and the flooring of the cardboard, 'remind her of home', she went downstairs and took an very old instant camera, it only had a few pictures left, she crawled up to the attic and took a snapshot of the whole place and cellotaped it to the wall of Nora's temporary 'Home', then she just put a pillow and some old furniture and put the box by the door. After lunch, they heard a large van pull up; some very strong men came out and pilled all the boxes into te van, katlyn ran up to her room, took nora and kissed her cold shell, then ran down and crawled into their caravan attached to their car, she cut out a square from the cardboard box and stuck the box to the wall. Nora cried, and pouted and yelled, beeping filled the van, "excuse me", said katlyn and took nora back to the attic.

"do you want me to leave you here!!??", she said impatiently

"why didn't you warn me before- this is not fair!! There is a baby on the way!", she exclaimed, (Nora was married and was already planning a family with a mimitchi)

"I know- but nora, look, we should be settled in by the time you 'start your family'", she said

"I PLANNED IT ALL HERE!!!", she beeped as loud as she could


"alright, i agree, but if i dont like it, will you bring me back?", she asked

"I promise i will!", she said and hugged her tamagotchi

so the two left the attic and settled into the carravan, by late afternoon, they arrived, it was a huge house, just breath taking, and it had the lovliest garden! A pond with goldfish and tadpoles, birds chirping in the trees, nora, was certainly impressed.

Katlyn took jamie out of her pocket (that was the mimitchi that nora was married to) and walked towards the house with nora, (nora was a mametchi) they all ran upstairs as fast as they could, and found a ladder propped up, there was an attic there too! Her bedroom was the same model as the old house!

"Oh isn't this great!?", she exclaimed

Nora was speechless but blurted out "this is fantastic!"

and Jamie was absoluntelly excited, "what a lovely place for a family!"

Katlyn crawled up the ladder, it was a musty and damp area, no wallpaper of flooring, the floorboards creeked and it was damp and smelly. "well there's certainly some work to do!"

She reached in her pocket and found £15 "PERFECT!", she muttered

She grabbed the two tamas, popped them in her pocket, and darted to the shop across the street.

There was a thick smell of ciggarettes and beer, "hello darlin, whatcha here fowr?", asked the lady across the counter, legges propped on the desk, cewing gum with a cigarette and filling her nails.

"uh... i was wonderin if you had any wallpaper and some floor boards?", katlyn asked

"yah, sure hunni, just at the end of tha corridowr, to tha ryte, shuwld do yaw alrty!", she said in an old english acsent.

"yeah... thanks", said katlyn and walked to the end, she found a small variety of wallpapers and floorboards, she took a flower patern and dark flooring and paid just £7 for them.

"fanx hunz, cum back", said the lady

Katlyn ran back and decorated their new home, and they lived happily ever after.

x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-9 months later (2 days tama world)-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

Jamie and Nora had babies, twin boys, they were darlings! They raised them well, and left to tamagotchi plannet, promising katlyn would take good care of them, and she did, and carried on in taking great care of the 2nd generation!!


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