Tama love!


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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2007
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Hmm... Not telling!
Chapt. 1

Bessa, was a big fan of tamagotchi. In fact Bessa knew almost everything

related to tamagotchi. At school Bessa introduced everybody to her virtual friend. And soon everyone had a tamagotchi.

Bessa though, was not good at any subject in school. Nor did she have any friends. She has 1 older brother at home but is very mean to her. So at the time Bessa's only friend was her tamagotchi.

She had first discovered tamagotchi's when she was on vacation in Japan. Mrs. Garinston, her mother, had bought one for her. Bessa was so excited. Before Bessa played with her tama she did research and read books about tamagotchis. She had learned so much.

Bessa loved her tama like no other child and bringing it to school was a habbit. But soon Lincoln Elem. set up rules about tamagotchis. "No tamagotchis at school." Bessa was furious, but that wasn't going to stop her!!!

Chapt. 2.

This was when Bessa was 7, now Bessa is 11. Bessa still loved her tama but that school rule was driving her nuts. Sometimes she would come home to find her tama dead. And soon, Bessa had had enough.

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

Bessa slipped her tama in her coat pocket. The bus was noisy.

" On the way to school again. " Bessa told her tamagotchi. Her tama bounced around on the screen.

Bessa was not supposed to take her tama to school. But a fan as big as hers couldn't resist.

Beep beep beep!

" Hungry again? " Once again her tama bounced on the screen.

Bessa imagined being a tama, always having someone to watch after you, someone to turn you into a perfect tama. Ohh... lucky Gary.

Bus #34 came to a hault. "We're here."

Bessa stuffed her tama in her pocket and rushed off the bus. Not gonna be late again, she told herself. Bessa ran to the building.

"Hi Pee B. " Terry snarled. "Still wearing that coat?"

Bessa turned. " Ya.. you like it?"

Terry burst out laughing. "Ha me? Like that coat!!! Ha ha ha! Looks like it has worn a gazillion times. "

Bessa held back her tears. "I... I... " Bessa didn't know what to say. Without even knowing it she raised a fist and smacked Terry up the nose.

First Terry just sat there, then shoved Bessa to the ground. Bessa's medium brown hair mixed with mud. Her backpack was covered with dirt. And out of her pocket, lying in the mud, was her tama. Bessa could have screamed. Who knows who saw her tama? Did Terry see it?

Bessa kicked Terry in the shin and he fell down to. Bessa leapt to her feet and began to run. Terry also jumped up and began to chase her. It wasn't long until he caught up with Bessa. Terry grabbed Bessa's collar then pulled her up high. He then threw her into the bike rack and a bike's kick stand cut her ankle.

Terry and Bessa were still. The bell rang and Terry gave Bessa one last punch then ran off for class.

Chapt 3.

"So, 36x42 is... Brackston?" called Mrs. Thruston.

"1,512." answered Brackston.


Bessa's scratch burned with pain. Her hair still had some mud in it and the posistion she was sitting in hurt her back. Bessa was so bored, so sore, so hungry. Sitting in class made it worse.

Bessa reached in her pocket to check on her tama. All she felt was an old bubblegum wrapper. She checked the other pocket. Nothing. Bessa peared into her desk. It wasn't there either. A chill ran down her back, her throat became dry, her heart thumped and soon became very hot. She had lost her tama! Then Bessa remebered the fight before school, her tamagotchi had fallen out of her pocket and she never picked it up!

Imediatly Bessa raised her hand. "Mrs. Thruston I lo... can I go to my locker."

Mrs. Thruston stared. "Do you have a locker pass?" She snapped.

Bessa reached in her desk and got out a blue piece of paper and handed it to Mrs. Thruston.

" Why must you go?" she asked.

Bessa gulped. "I am cold, if I could get my jacket..."

Mrs. Thruston changed her face, she seemed to be thinking. "Go. You have 5 minutes."

As soon as she could Bessa jumped out of her seat and rushed out the door into the hall. Making sure no one was watching she slipped through the door leading outside. Bessa had never seen the playground so bare. She decided the best way to go is to take a right, go through the parking lot, and back near the bike rack. Bessa began to walk, then run. Bessa had to dodge garbage cans, teachers, and doors. as soon as she made it to the parking lot she was gasping for breath. She, being kind of lazy, had never ran faster.

" I have to keep going. I have to." she told herself.

Bessa could see the bike rack but being in front of the school was going to be tough. The spring air was getting colder and the clouds burried the sun.

Bessa ran through the grass almost running into the flag pole. Finally she made it to the bike rack. She looked around but couldn't see anything. Nothing at all. Bessa ran a little farther but still didn't see anything. She saw a little green flash. Bessa ran toward it but it was only a candy bar wrapper. Just when she almost lost hope she heard a CRACK! Under her foot was her tamagotchi.

Chapt 4.

"Yes!! I found it!"

Bessa was full of joy. Except for the part that it had started to rain. And what made her even more sad was what she saw on her tamagotchi screen. An egg with wings. Which meant it was dead.

"Arrrr! Gosh!!!"

The rain now began to pour.

"Bessa. Bessa. Bessa!"

Bessa turned to see Mr. Smith.

"Bessa! What are you doing?"

She thought of an excuse. "Sorry Mr. Smith. But I was just a little late today. We had a family problem."

Bessa's tamagotchi beeped right as she put it in her pocket.

Mr. Smith looked puzzled. "Yes. Hope it works out. Now get to class! Hurry!"

Bessa began to run the opposite direction. "Yes Mr. Smith!" she yelled back.

As soon as Mr. Smith left she pulled out her tamagotchi and made another egg.

She shoved it in her pocket then ran off to class.

Chapt 5.

"Bessa! Where have you been? I said 5 minutes, you have been gone 50!!

Mrs. Thruston's face was red. She had her whipping stick in her hand.

"I uhh..." Bessa's eyes got big at the sight of the stick. She never got out the stick unless she was really mad.

"So!! Are you going to make an excuse!!" Mrs. Thruston almost screamed.

"I... I... I couldn't open my locker so I... was trying to open it. " Bessa's heart almost beat out of her chest.

"Why didn't you ask for help?" Mrs. Thruston questioned.

"I... uh... I... did. A janitor came by and I asked him for help. He couldn't open it either. Then I realized that it wasn't my locker." Bessa took a deep breath.

"Can you explain the wet pants?" Mrs. Thruston put away the stick.

The first thing that came to Bessa's mind was to say she wet her pants. No, no. She couldn't.

"I couldn't open my locker. But my friend happened to be in the hallway... she let me borrow her jacket. Her jacket was wet because she came late. " Bessa almost collapsed.

Mrs. Thruston thought of a way to argue.

"Where is your 'friend's' jacket?"

Bessa was in a tough situation. "Since it was wet I decided she could just wear it, I didn't need it."

Mrs. Thruston thought again. "Take a seat."

∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆

"How was your day at school?" asked Bessa's mother.

"Oh it was great. So fun sometimes I felt like I wasn't even there." said Bessa with a large smile and a big kiss to her tama.



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