Tama Mama's Tama-Go Log :)


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Feb 10, 2006
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Tama Mama's Tama-Go Log

Yesterday I went to the store and finally got myself a Tama-go tamagotchi! It's a lot bigger than any other version, and it's going to take a lot of getting used to, but so far I like it. Before I officially start this log and begin to post about my tamagotchi, however, I would like to state one rule of mine.

Please do not post anything directly into this log. If you have a comment on my log, please feel free to PM it to me rather than post directly here. Thank you.

Now that you all know my one rule, I shall now start talking about my tamagotchi! When I first put in the batteries (since they don't come with batteries unlike every other tamagotchi version in the world), an egg appeared. I set the time, date, etc., and waited for my egg to hatch. It finally did, and it was a girl :) They didn't give me the option to name her, but for the sake of this blog her name will be Rue (named after Rue in the Hunger Games series). So I fed Rue and played a game or two with her and then she took a nap. She was kind of boring for the while she was a baby, but they all are :p

After a while, Rue finally grew into a toddler. I'll post her stats as of right now:


Name: Rue

Gender: Girl

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 39lbs (I just realized that the weight is affected by food consumption, unlike prior tama versions)

Character: Hoshitchi

Generation: 1

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Train: |

Friendship: ♥

Points: 1400 gp

I'm trying to figure out what affects the training and friendship aspects; I figure that playing games affects the friendship part. If I found out I'll post it here.

That's all for now, thanks for reading and check back soon :D

~Tama Mama

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Hi everyone :) Sorry I didn't get a chance to update yesterday, I was busy and not much happened anyway.


When I woke up yesterday, my tamagotchi was a teenager, a Chuchutchi. She was so cute :) I kind of just played games with her throughout the day and took care of her. At one point Rue went to the park and played on the see-saw with her friend.


This morning I woke up and Rue was an adult. Shes's a Pipotchi. Today I just played more games with her, took her to the park, and bought her some things from the shop. Nothing special really, she's pretty content. Now that she's an adult, I'm wondering what is going to happen with her and the match-maker.



Name: Rue

Gender: Girl

Age: 3yrs

Weight: 59lbs

Character: Pipotchi

Generation: 1

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Train: |||||

Friendship: ♥♥♥

Points: 12,570gp


Yesterday, I realized that I'm pretty good with the "Shoot the bug" game and I won it with a score of 100 :)


This morning, Rue was taking a shower, and then just a few minutes ago, she was brushing her teeth. That was one of the things I noticed with the Tama-go; the tamagotchis do random things when left alone for a little while. I also noticed that the gigantic design of the new tamagotchi is really awkward, bulky, and a little hard to handle. I like the smaller model better. Well, that's it. Check back soon for more :D

~Tama Mama

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Hi :) So I didn't know that once your tamagotchi reached a certain age, you had to click the "DATING" button and then they could get married, so I accidentally waited until Rue was an elder, an Otokitchi. Good thing she could still get married.


She got married to a Urutchi, let's name him Jack. I was expecting Jack and Rue to fly into outerspace, leaving a little baby in their place, like prior tamagotchi versions. But instead they stayed and I now had two tamagotchis to take care of. They are so cute together, they sleep in the same bed and they eat at the same table together. They have been together for two days now, so I think they are going to leave tomorrow with their baby in their place. It's going to be a bitter sweet day :p So here are Rue's current stats:



Name: Rue

Gender: Girl

Age: 6yrs

Weight: 65lbs

Character: Otokitchi

Generation: 1

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Train: |||||

Friendship: ♥

Points: 16,170gp


On saturday, I was with my friend, and she has a Tama-go so we connected and Rue got another new friend :) They played on the swings together and it was so cute.


So there's nothing of real importance to post right now, Rue and Jack are kind of just bopping around the screen being all cute. I'll update tomorrow with hopeful baby news and such :) Bye♥


~Tama Mama

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