Tama Matchmaker Project


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
This is my tama matchmaker project. I will try to make a chart on what tama combination has what kind of baby.




Your tama:

Tama it mated with:



I have a few!!


Version: Uratama

My tama: UraFurawatchi

Tama it mated with: Serebutchi

Outcome: UraMemeputchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Togetchi

Tama it mated with: Sebinetchi

Outcome: Kuchiotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mimitchi

Tama it mated with: Mametchi

Outcome: Mameotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mametchi

Tama it mated with: Marotchi

Outcome: Mamekotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mimitchi

Tama it mated with: Togetchi

Outcome: Memeputchi


Add on!!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but for EnTamas and UraTamas there's a rule on how to getting a baby from a certain group (zoku).

parent group + parent group = child group

For EnTama this is the rule:

Mame + Mame = Mame

Mame + Meme = Meme

Mame + Kuchi = Mame

Meme + Mame = Meme

Meme + Meme = Meme

Meme + Kuchi = Kuchi

Kuchi + Mame = Mame

Kuchi + Meme = Kuchi

Kuchi + Kuchi = Kuchi

Of the three scanned pages in the EnTama character chart ( https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=37187 ), the Mame-zoku are on the left-most page, the Kuchi-zoku are on the middle page, and the Meme-zoku are on the right-most page.

The regular EnTama & UraTama characters a based on gender. That is, certain characters are always female, and other certain characters are always male.

After you get the baby, which teen you get depends on how well you take care of it.

Which adult you get is determined by which type of GUTS points you have the most of, at the time it changes from teen to adult.

The UraTama character chart here, is arranged by gender, group, and growth line: https://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g310/bin...actersnamed.png

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I understand it perfectly and I don't even have an Entama. So don't get mad at binary s/he was only trying to help. If you don't understand then just leave the board, or ask politely. Thanks.

Okay, okay, but this is also for V1, V2 and V3 too!


Please do some for the other versions aswell!


Version: 1

Your tama: Hanatchi

Tama it mated with: Tarakotchi

Outcome: baby girl



ok, first of all its not nonsence. he was just posting a comparison that was already posted and posting the links aswell. it makes perfect sence to me atleast.


The EnTama and the UraTama are Japanese Tamagotchi models. On these models, each regular character is pre-assigned a gender. For example, Mametchi is always male, Memetchi is always female, Kuchipatchi is always male, and Furawatchi is always female.

In the previous post I wrote, I was pointing out that there is a way to predict which group the child will belong to. There are six babies in total. By knowing which groups the parents belong to, you can narrow down the possible babies to two. It's two only because there is no way to predict whether the baby will be a girl or a boy.

Each regular character belongs to one of three groups. There is one female and one male baby in each group. There is one female and one male toddler in each group. There are two female and two male teens in each group. Which of the two you get depends on how well you take care of her/him. And there are three female and three male adults in each group. Which adult you get depends on which which GUTS points are highest when s/he turns into an adult.

GUTS points are sort of character attributes. There are three categories of GUTS points. The names of these categories are different between EnTamas and UraTamas, but basically they work the same. There are three games on these Tamagotchis. In addition to Gotchi Points, which can be used for buying items, food, snacks, and such, each game also rewards the player with a certain type of GUTS points. Besides the games, there are some items, which when used will increase your Tamagotchi character's GUTS points of one type or another.

So what I was saying is that of the six babies, we can say "it will be one of these two" if we know who the parents are. Then once we know the gender of the baby, we can say "it will grow up to be one of these three adults". Which of those three adults it grows into is completely in your control; it all depends on which GUTS points it has the most.

Sorry if I confused you.

Well, there's a rule:

If a MAMEZOKU character mates with a MEMEZOKU, you'll get a MEMEZOKU baby.

If a MEMEZOKU character mates with a KUCHIZOKU, you'll get a KUCHIZOKU baby.

If a KUCHIZOKU character mates with a MAMEZOKU, you'll get a MAMEZOKU baby.

And vica versa.

You can see what family your character is by going to the Tamatalk reference section and having a look at one of the character growth charts.

i'v got a question every body if you just get married by connecting?

how many times do you have to connect to get them married?

reply back soon


This is my tama matchmaker project. I will try to make a chart on what tama combination has what kind of baby. 



Your tama:

Tama it mated with:



I have a few!!


Version: Uratama

My tama: UraFurawatchi

Tama it mated with: Serebutchi

Outcome: UraMemeputchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Togetchi

Tama it mated with: Sebinetchi

Outcome: Kuchiotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mimitchi

Tama it mated with: Mametchi

Outcome: Mameotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mametchi

Tama it mated with: Marotchi

Outcome: Mamekotchi


Version: Entama

My tama: Mimitchi

Tama it mated with: Togetchi

Outcome: Memeputchi


Add on!!

Version: V3

My Tama: Masktchi

Tama it mated with: Bunbuntchi

Outcome: Teletchi ( Girl)

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