tama mishap


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
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the tamagotchi ocean
the first v1 i ever bought is pink with orange stars and a yellow border. i bought it in october 2004. i'm up to generation 16 on it - i would be at a higher gen, but i woud end up pausing it for long periods of time while i got distracted with other things, and then start it up again when the tama fire burned in me again.

a few days ago at work i took of my jacket and slung it over my arm. my tamagotchi was in my pocket and it fell out and hit the floor, hard. i was in the bathroom and the tiles in there are stone. i was so worried that it had broken - if i lost 16 generations and had to start over again at 1, i would be devestated. luckily, it still worked.

it wasn't until i got home and tried to turn the sound back on that i noticed that something was wrong. the sound wouldn't work. i took the battery out and put it back in but it still didn't work. i was very upset. this past week the sound has been wonky. sometimes it will work and other times it won't, sometimes it works but i can hear something grating in my tama, sometimes it works fine but then i play a game and then the sound cuts out completely and won't come back for hours or days.

i tell myself that i should be grateful my tamagotchi didn't break, and i am grateful. but i still wish the sound worked properly. :huh:

i have 3 v3s :huh: i know the v1 is kind of boring, but i've invested 2 years into it and i'm at 16 gen and i can't bear to start over!
Check the sound wires. Make sure they haven't snapped, if they have, solder them back together somehow. Maybe you have a friend who has a dad as an electronic engineer or something who could help.

v1 is my favourite version! Mine's on 55th generation, therefore I never dream of Tamagotchi or I get nightmares that 55 generations have disappeared!

Don't worry about the sound - "wonky" sound is common in V1, and the sound disappearing completely is probably just the next stage of this. After all, it is 2 years old! :huh:

Hopefully it is just the sound!

StarTama :huh:

P.S. I love V1s as well. The games are cool.

P.P.S. Love your new avatar, dancin' kayley! :huh:

Yea, this is probably just due to the old age of the Tama. If the rest of it works, I wouldn't wory about it. My friend broke the sound wire on her V1 while debugging it, but the rest of it still works just fine.

If the sound is going nuts, than there might not be anything you can do about it. It might just have no sound forever. You should be greatful that it still works, and I'm glad you are. Sorry to hear about that. Good luck with that tamagotchi!

Wow, your sooooooo lucky. I dropped mine and it broke the screen :D Don't worry, it's ok. I mean, sound is not the whole tama, right?

Sorry to hear that. :[ But as others have stated, it might be because of the old age.

I wish you luck, and I hope you can continue to raise many other generations of Tama's! <3

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