Tama Owners With Real Pets


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i have 5 tamagotchis, one dog, and one cat.

dont give up your tama just because your getting hermit crabs.

besides, hermit crabs are really easy to care for. they dont need THAT much time.

oh yeah, never let them walk on the bare skin of your tummy.


I can take care of 3 Tamagotchis and 2 hamsters, no problem. I had a hermit crab once, they're much easier to take care of than hamsters so you should be okay.

I have a dog!!!!!!! You can do it..... It is alot easier then you think


I used to have 2 goldfish. Three cats that thought they lived with me. One dog that played in my garden all the time. I still had time for my.....

2 V.2's

My sister's 2 V.2

My V.3

My sister's V.3

My V.4

My sister's V.4

My V.5

My sister's V.5

But my sister is now 7 and she can take care of them now. My goldfish caught a disease and died. I moved house and now i dont have a playful dog but two playful cats and a little shy one.

And anyway it's not like hermit crabs are the most time-consuming pets.

Last year,Before I left the U.S. for Japan,One of my friends got me a Shiba Inu(type of dog) as a gift.I thought I might not have time for it(With work,Family,and whatnot)But I managed.If I can still get mametchi and mimitchi on my P1 and P2,I'm sure you will do fine!J

Trust me, it's no problem to take care of pets and tamas, I usually take my tamas with me while I walk my dog.

Also, tamagotchi's aren't just for people who don't have pets, they're for anyone who just enjoys them, if you still like them, then keep on playin' =]

I have 3 Leopard geckos, one Dwarf Sungazer, and a dog. I still have more than enough time for my two Tamas. They can survive for about 4 hours alone, apx.

It's so wonderful that a simple forum can change ur mind on the biggest of decisions I think tamagotchi forums are the nicest kind of forum on the internet ^o^ It just makes me feel so good that other ppl can continue on with their tama because of a nice individual.

Well I have two dogs and two cats but they get just as much time with my sis so I think tamas are for everyone.....so I play with three tamas:D

I have a 2 fish and still have plenty of time for my (7) tamas.
fish are kinda easy to take care of...

i have two fish,one dog,and my five tamas which i dont think is a lot compared to my friend :( she has.......

8 dogs

1 tortuise

4 cats

4 fish and 9 tamas!!!! :p

and she has plenty of time!!!!!!!!!!

I used to have 14 pets (no joke) 6 where mine and i looked after all of them plus 3 tamas and i managed it is not hard they only need you every now and then you just need to do some multi tasking ;) :D

Hopefully your real pets will come first.

Tamagotchis are just toys.

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I have 2 birds, (which require alot of attention, and only I care for them) 2 dogs, (Which also require attention) a fish, (who doesnt need a lot of attention, but only I care for him :D ) and I usually always have at least 2 tamas running. Tamas and pets should go hand in hand, almost. Of course, if your real pet is really needy and there is something wrong with it, they should definetely come first. They are actual live creatures who feel actual pain and hunger.

I've had hermit crabs, they are great, and very low maitenance :D You should have plenty of time for both, and other hobbies too ;) I've never paused my tams, (well not for very long B) ) and I dont like pausing my tams, so I dont. Its all good :D LOL

you may not believe this but I have 46 fish 1dog and two canaries and 3 cats and I havent given up on my tama


I have a dog. I have a tamagotchi. I wouldn't have either replace each other. They're different things. If you're talking about time, hmn, it's not hard to have a pet and a virtual pet.

Ha! I have:

11 cats

3 dogs

many fish (in 1 tank, and a large pond in my back yard.)

4 birds, 3 little and 1 very large

3 tamas (a v3, a v4, and a v5. v3 & v5 are debugged if it helps...)

2 gigapets

1 miuchiz monster

as you can see, I love animals- cats the most! I think you'll have a great time with your crabs. Actually... you probably have them by now... Bye!

I have two house bunnies (litter trained :D ) and work a full time job. You might have to cut back the number of tamas if you get too busy, but trust me, you'll have time for at least one.

:p :D

besides I've seen hermit crabs I'm not saying they aren't cool or interesting but they are not the most time consuming of any sort of pet to have. I had a hermit crab before about 3 yrs ago and he died  at about a few years old. I am getting a tortoise and still have my dog ^-^ + school, homework, projects all the regular stuff

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