Tama PETS?


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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
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Well a few weeks ago I saw the v5 Familtchi coomerical. And I noticed that there is like a little small thing on the screen! It was a bit bigger than a baby tama and they kinda look like dogs! Have you ever had one? Please reply!

When you raise a pure family, You dont get a pet, It's just in A cute little animation.

To raise a pure family, Your family bonding must be 100&

(Mametchi+Chantotchi, Memetchi+Mumutchi, Flowertchi+Sukatchi, Kuchipatchi+Yonepatchi, Gozurutchi+Kunoitchi.)

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get a pure family and press at 80 90 100 bond

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One slight problem... I bought my V5 yesterday... They're children, how do you get their bonding up?

PLZ, Help me!


Training. It gets thier bonding up.

You can also use Unchi- Kun and the Gotchi King DVD. But you will have to use them 34 times to get the bonding up 10%

You can also use Unchi- Kun and the Gotchi King DVD. But you will have to use them 34 times to get the bonding up 10%
Don's forget Magokorotchi!

It's important too, but it's a Rare item, rather than an Item item.

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