Tama Pound


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Jan 17, 2005
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Standing behind you . . .♥
What really happens at TamaPlanet? Well, for those caught between Earth and TamaPlanet, the TamaPound picks them up if they are found. Where's the story? Here it is:

An unhappy, unhealthy, hungry, Maskutchi with 4 poops pilled up. The poor Maskutchi had to leave this evil place called "Earth" and get back to TamaPlanet without getting caught. Flying as fast as he could back to his home planet, a net stuck out and he was caught. He opened his eyes to see the TamaPound volunteers stuff him into a truck filled with millions of Tamagotchi. All the way from newborn tamababies to Lucky Unchi-Kun. The Maskutchi took a look around and found. . . . . .

A small hungry abandoned Marutchi! She was crying and crying. She was so starving her stomach was as thin as a sheet of paper. The Maskutchi pulled out the last slice of pizza and fed it to the Marutchi. The Maskutchi said to the Marutchi," I was saving that for later but you are in major need." The Marutchi thanked him gleefully!They soon became friends. After a short period of time the Marutchi evolved into a Young Mimitchi, and then later a Beautiful Mimitchi. . . .

...then the masketchi fall in love with the Mimitchi and they got married and had 2 boy babytchis!!.........

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who they loved with all their might. soon, the tama pound truck got to the tama pound. there were lots of tamagotchi there, including a very sad and lonely hinotamatchi. the newborn baby bebitchi were taken away to seperate cages from the parents, so they soon died. ;) . the masktchi and mimitchi were furious! they planned to get revenge. but no longer had they planned to get revenge when the mimitchi died of age. the masktchi was lonely untill the matchmaker came. he got matched up with a........

Memetchi! she was so beautiful when they got married they had 2 baby boys!

Masketchi and Memetchi hid their sons when the pound keeper comes to check on them,then finaly the twins got old enogh to be on their own! so The Masketchi and the Memetchi where able to go to the home planet! they named the twins Joe and Jake. but the twins are now left at the pound,what is going to happen to them.....

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Soon a oniontchi named Ganon found them. He told them about his plan to excape. When they were ready to begin there plan suddenly.......

Joe and Jake started to evolve! Joe turned into a Gozarutchi, and Jake turned into an Maskutchi! They were finally grown up!Now all that they had to do to escape was to tell the guards that they wanted to go to Tamagotchi Planet!

They left the poor Oniontchi in there carelessly, and left to find a mate. No one to be found. The matchmaker wasn't due for weeks! Soon the Oniontchi turned into a Mametchi and was allowed out. The Mametchi saw the twins flirting with a Mimitchi named Ciara and Took over. Ganon was flirting away. Soon Ciara and Ganon fell in love. Ganon told the twins that Ciara was his girl now!They were furious! That was a little something called payback!!!!!!!! Soon the Matchmaker came and gave them both an ugly Tarakotchi! They begged for someone else but the Match Maker told them that their previous actions were unexceptable. The twins and the tarakotchis . . . . . . . .

deleted each other from ther friends list and broke up. The both met up with 2 cute twin Mimitchis called Mya and Myo. They fell in love instantly and their kids were........

1 of each gender! by now the masktchi that started the story had died of age. :( . then the two baby's took a nap. it wasn't long before they woke up and evolved into two marutchi. the two marutchi were hungry so jake and joe fed them. the two mimitchi were happy to find that their husbands were friends. soon it was night and they al went to sleep. but as they slept, the female marutchi got ill. in the next morning something terrible happened!...

died of illness "[SIZE=21pt]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]!![/SIZE]" screached the male "[SIZE=21pt]SISTER[/SIZE][SIZE=21pt]!![/SIZE]"

"dont worry son" said the dad shes in a better place now...

as time passed the family expanded. soon there was a babytchi born called Dude. Dude loved his dad, Simon, and his mum, Diana, but he couldn't help thinking about when they would leave him to survive on his own. then, a huge egg clampped over him. "HELP!" screamed Dude. "sorry son, your off to earth" cried his parents. soon enough he was in a tama shell, just waiting to be hatched. once he had been hatched, he was re-named. he was named "Mario". soon he grew to an marutchi then to a onionotchi, then a masktchi. soon he bacame un-happy, un-healthy, hungry tama with four poops pilled up...

then Mairo was visited by the match maker,it was a Mametchi! they fall in love and had twin girls.

the girls where named Jilly and Hanna.

they where takeing a nap then POOF Jilly turned into a Komokinatchi(or whatever) and then POOF Hanna turned into a Marutchi.

They where very happy untill Hanna got very ill......

Then erin the oniontchi took care of hanna until she was well and became great friends with her. Bob the Masktchi came and paused himself to wait for beautiful hanna to grow older. Erin got jealous of hanna, which Erin was older and married Bob. Hanna deleted erin from her friend list and searched for a new mate..........................

then Hanna went "POOF" she turned into a Ichigotchi! and her sister,Jilly turned into a Young Mimitchi!

Then a very handsome Itchigotchi called Bart wooshed up to Hanna and kissed her on the cheek!!!! Hanna blushed but then somthing very amazing happend Hanna was evolving again!!! she turned into the secret character! (the pink one with flower like ears) and Bart evolved into a Mametchi! Hanna had 4 babys!! 3 girls and a boy! they named one of the girls Samantha and anther girl Rachel,the Boy Alex and the other girl Tallie!

then one day the Jilly turned into a Mametchi and because she was late evolving the match maker came that second,Mrs.Busy body brought a Mimitchi! they had 2 baby boys,one called Jeff and the other Owen.

then Tallie crawled away from the others and got lost..............

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Samantha and Rachel both turned into young mimitchis!Then a few days later they both changed into...

then a nuclear bomb landed on them and they were reduced to dust



Mimitchis! they were both so beautiful, with long ears and big sensitive eyes. they both got married to the same type of tamagotchi, two male.....

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