Tama Romance


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Sep 17, 2006
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A long time ago in Tama city lived Mary :p and John :mametchi: they had 2 sons called Luke :pochitchi: and :mimitchi: Mac They also had 2 daughters :) Sophie and ;) Opal.

One day John :mametchi: said I have something to tell you.....................................

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i think we have to move to mexico because we can't have more tha 3 children in our family. everyone cried expechilly :) because she had all her friends there and she grew up there

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i think we have to move to mexico because we can't have more tha 3 children in our family. everyone cried expechilly :D because she had all her friends there and she grew up there
:) said "We can't move to Mexcio". ;) "ok we are not moving to mexico coz I have a plan..................................

we will give one of our children to our friends and see them everyday.NO mary said.think of something else

"Ok" said John, very bluntly. He turned to his nearest son, Mac and said "THIS IS FOR THE FAMILY!" as he knocked his own son's head off. "There! We can stay here now!" said John.

they saw the ghost of mac evrey one scremed"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" mac seid whate the tama didint loose his head it was a crash dummy thate looke like mac.(luky no one deid)

everyone was so glad about that he was alive but then :wacko: said "we cant have a father that is very rude and unplasant like you so we will have to kick you out!

So :wacko: made John leave and after 2 weeks she met a gorgeus :pochitchi: named Ollie. They soon married :wacko: :ph34r: and had a baby :wacko: named Ellie. Then the problems became worse...

Thene :mimitchi: bought a lotry tickit and won 2463.99.Now they got a biger hause but thene :( came...

"Noooo!" :furawatchi: cried.

"Its..." She was lost for words.

:mametchi: looked at Ellie and smiled.

"I see that means a lot to you!"

:furawatchi: screamed and :mametchi: kicked her. :lol: came and had a fight with him!

"Give me the baby and I'll leave you alone.."

:lol: yelled.

"No! Go away!"

"I'll return for the baby.." :mametchi said...

well you cant have it


:( and :D , had another awful fight! They punched, they ,kicked, they pushed, while poor Ellie and :huh: screamed and screamed.

:( won the fight, and :p ran way into the dark night,shouting, shoutng, shouting out.... :(

"OH!" ;) said in shock.

"What will happen to poor Ellie??????????"

:( replied.

"I'm sorry, my love...I do not know...."

:kuribotchi: was scard with all the fiteing.So he ran away from home. So did all the all the ether kids.
:( and :kuribotchi: didn't know where Ellie had gone.

"Oh, no!" :D sobbed.

" ^_^ 's taken her away!

:huh: didn't give up, though. He broght a hot-air balloon and went on a trip to find Ellie.

:wacko: came too, and together, nothing would stop them... :)

As :) and :kuribotchi: were flying over TamaTown, they saw :( . He looked hurt, and poor and ragged. He looked blind, drunk. BUT :) and :D did NOT want to see him. He DIDN'T have their children, though!

"Where are they?" panicked Mary said, scaning the deserted lands of TamaTown. "How could Ellie crawl so far away? The poor lamb!"


They crashed down. They called out their beautiful children's names, but there was no answer. They made their way back to their house, and there, warm and snug, sat their lovely babies!

"OH! My sweet little lambs, my beautiful little butterflies!!!" cried out :wacko: .

They lived on, until all the kids were moved out. Except lil Ellie. She was now 18, and already had a plan where to move. She was going to be roomies with her best friend, Paula :huh: !

When she moved, ^_^ and ;) were happy. They lived on until they died. But that didn't mean their CHILDREN couldn't have wonderful adventures...

but :D was still alive and try to fund the tenagers thate were :( and tryd to kill theme

Ellie wasn't weak. she knew about :furawatchi: , and she looked right through him.

"YOU DON'T BOTHER MEEEE!" She yelled and punched him in the eye.

He stumbled back, and fled. Away and away he ran...

A month or so later, when Paula and Ellie were together, :mametchi: came back. Again!

"Right!" Ellie screamed.

"This is it! I'm off!"

"I'm coming with you!" Paula nodded.

"We have to run away! run, run, run..."

And so they did. They traveled in a plane, for days until they reached Spain.

"He can't find us here!"

thene came ;) they both yeld"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" :huh: sied"dont worry im not him im his brother"

"Um...sorry!" Ellie said.

"We're making sure :) cannot find us, so we're very nervous." Paula added worriedly.

"Don't worry!" :) said.

"I'm here with you! I've never liked my brother much, so I'm moving here, to Spain!"

"Oh, I see!" Ellie nodded.

She liked the NEW ;) quite a lot.

His name was Patrick, and in fact, Ellie liked him so much, that she asked him out to the Spainish Restaurant that had just opened!

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