Tama Spotcheck...........


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Active member
Nov 11, 2006
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Ok,some of your schools have spotchecks,so,it doesnt mean that you leave your tama on pause mode at home!Here are some tips for you.... 1.go to school early so you can hide your tama. 2.OF THE SOUND!!!!!!!! 3.Put it to pause mode. 4.hide it somewhere so nobody knows. 5.after school,say that you are going to clean the classroom,then pretend to after everyone is gone,take your tama. HOPE IT HELPED!!One more thing,do not tell anyone!They could tell the teacher or prefect!

Also,make sure that the place you hide is in your classroom,and not under desks!

If you don't want to bring your tama to school, or not play with it and are worried about health, don't pause. Put it on sleep mode. Your tama will age normally, and unless it's Ocean Tamagotchi, it's health will remain the same. It's much better than pausing.

Oh yeah, Sleep Mode doesn't work with babies.

yeah, but babies are babies for only one hour, so it shouldn't be such a problem. You could just leave your baby on the girl/boy screen and not name it until you get back from school, or wake up and hour early ot tend to the 'lil cutie. :)

actually wat really helps is that you dont put it on pause, and just take care of it BUT

you HAVE to be in the back of the classroom, if the teacher catches you, just put it to the time and say it is a watch and you were just setting the time.

Hope this helped tremendously!


Yea what is a spotcheck??? It seemed when starbreaker first asked they people ignored the post!

I'm guessing a spotcheck is when a teacher/student goes around the room and checks every desk?

We don't have that. I've left my tama in my desk and was fine for the whole night and day.

i dont even have to hide mine because at my school they dont care if we have them as long as we dont play with them(but i have a nice teacher who lets us play with them) so i brought mine every day for 3 years now!!!!!!!

you guy are lucky!!! At my school we arent allowed ANYTHING eletronic!! And my Cousins high allows ds's mp3's ipods'phones load of things!!!!!

Spotcheck means is when the teacher or prefect checks your bag,purse,pocket,etc.........to see if your brought anythin that is againts the rule

What the heck is a spotcheck? ^_^ :D :huh:
our school doesn't have any 'spotchecks' but im guesing that it is where they check your desks to see how clean it is?

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