Tama Teasing


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Pink Hippopotumas

Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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Anywhere in Time and Space
Were you or are you teased at school?

Because I am! :( ((

It's so annoying, the reason i quitted tamas.

everyone says,

"Tamagotchis are for second graders!!!"

my school picks at anything they think is babyish, and my two best friends who also liked tamas both left! To other countries!!!!

Any Experiences or Tips?

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Experience: My BFF brought in her white TMGO and I brung my purple TMGO and connect it with each other and 5th graders start teasing us.. We were also in 2nd grade that time, no need to tease 2 graders with 2 grade toys. ;P

Tips: Tell on them. Done. Easy as pie. >;D

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Just ignore it. Because if you let them get you angry, they win. Take the popularist person in school, for example. If THEY started playing with tamas at school, then everyone would think it was amazing, right? So don't let teasing bother you because if you act higher than that, people will respect you even more :)

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Atleast you are BRAVE enough to show who you REALLY are. Not a mask, not a shame to be who you are... and show what you like.

Think about how much power you could gain yourself by thinking that when people tell you that sorta of stuff.

Oh my goodness, I hate that, it's so mean. I joked that I needed some money to bid on a tama on eBay and my friend was like "you want to bid for a tamagotchi" and then this guy heard and he was like "a tamagotchi? A tamagotchi. I had one of those when I was like, 6" I don't get why people are all like "oh don't bully people and don't discriminate" then they turn around and then do that to you because of tamas. It's just so stupid and it's just like bullying people for things they can't change. I just don't like to mention it in school. Just hold your head high and dismiss it, because people are just trying to get on your nerves or they think they look all cool making fun of people. Just ignore it and keep your talk about it limited to the friends who you trust and who respect your interests.

Wow, that was a really long rant. XP

When I went to school (back in the mid-to-late 90's) virtual pets were the coolest new thing ever.

By high-school, they were just nostalgic.

Kids are mean sometimes.

The best thing is that you don't have to agree with their opinions. :D

Next time someone tells you that "X is for babies/little kids/dogs/hamsters" inform them that "X is for everyone who enjoys it."

I bet they can't even give you any rational reasons why Tamagotchis are "only for little kids". What makes them think that?

Are they making assumptions based on hearsay? Complaining about things they've never tried? Jealous that you enjoy something they don't?

Well, none of that matters. You're allowed to enjoy them just as they are allowed to dislike them.

I just realized something! People often stare at my Tamagotchis, and I used to think it was because they liked Tamagotchi too, but now that I think about it they probably just thought I was too old! Oh well, I'm 13 and I don't care what anyone thinks. I once gave my Tama to my 8-year-old brother and he threw it across the room because he couldn't win a mini-game so I guess it's not for 8-year-olds!

People at my school say Tamas are crappy cheap pink lumps of plastic for 3-year-old girls and I don't care. Just stand up for what you think. They think they're so mature, but being REALLY mature is respecting others' opinions. The only thing that's childish is calling other people's interests childish.

~ Dazzmina ~

I don't know what it's like. People wouldn't dare tease me about tamagotchis, because there was a huge fad with tamas when we are all 5... they all eagerly participated in it. So whenever they see me with a tama, they just say something like "Oh my gosh is that a tamagotchi? Cool!" Or, "Does that tama have a color screen? Awesome! I remember when we are all obsessed with V3's."

Im 24 and still like playing with tamagotchis. When i was like 10 i guess they 1st came out and it was popular for the next 3 yrs. My advice is put your tamagotchi on a cool keychain with some keys (if you have n e) and then when they see you playing with it, they'll just think its a cute keychain toy. Hopefully they will stop being so nosy! Because i assure you they (bullies) are holding onto something at home that would be considered a baby toy/ kid toy as well. lol Plus they are probably just secretly jealous of your toy. ;) So enjoy your hobby!

At my school no one knows what tamas are, but they know I like them. (Well, three of my friends like them and we sometimes watch the anime together. :D ) Sometimes they look at stuff, for example they see that I am drawing or writing about them.

Then they ask what it is. I say it's Tamagotchi and they look at me strange and say that it's just stupid! But there is no point in saying that it's stupid when you don't no about it! :angry: They have even written that it sucks. :( It's usually a girl in my class called Henriette.

Please read what's written in my signature, take heed, and don't lose heart. If you can do that, then I promise you that you'll feel better and the rest of it just won't matter as much anymore.


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that strength is something you choose. Remember that the only reason those kids are picking on you is because they feel insecure themselves. Don't let them get you down. I've been there many times in the past, and looking back on it all I'm glad that I didn't let their negative attitudes drag me down or make me change who I was to appease them.


Send me a message if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always around and I've definitely felt what you're feeling now but guess what? I'm a much stronger person now because I didn't back down or let them get the best of me.


Let your true colours shine, girl! ;)

Lol it's so funny, because there's this boy in my class. About every time I go past him, he's like

"YAMAGUSHI YAMAGUSHI YAMAGUSHI!" XD He can't even say "Tamagotchi"! It's so funny! :D


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