tama tips and tricks - I CANT POST


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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
im sorry if im posting this in the wrong forum, but i wasnt sure where else to put it.

anyway, i tried to post a topic in "tamagotchi tips and tricks" but its not working. the post wont show up. it says its been moved or deleted.


why cant i post something?

im trying to give people tips but I CANT !!

everybody else seems to have no problem..

im so confused !!

:angry: :) :eek: B)

If you look at each forum description some are open forums where you can post a question and it will be posted straight away, OTHERS are forums where the posts have to be approved by a moderator- Tips and Tricks is one of those. Sometimes it can take several hours for a post to appear (my personal record was 7 hours!) this is because guides are not always on line to approve the posts.

So it's not you- it just depends which forum you are posting in- you just have to be patient and wait- what you shouldn't do is post the same question multiple times in several forums hoping it will appear- as often we see the same question posted by the same person in many different places because they were impatient!

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