Tama V3 Log - Bubba


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I haven't been able to update much lately. I've been at work most of my days.

But Bebe is doing fine. I tried to get her and Pepe to play a game, but they decided to make babies together instead. So now I have 2 BABY GIRLS!

There's a travel ticket for sale in Bebe's shop, but I'm going to hold out. I still need to earn more points for her.

Now that I have 2 girls I suppose one of them can mate with my V1 when they're old enough.

**Send me a PM if you would like to suggest names for my baby girls.

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This morning I bought Bebe some darts for 100p. I'm still waiting on a mirror so she can use her makeup.

She should be leaving her baby tonight. If I'm not mistaken, it's 24hours unpaused before they leave the baby.

I will be sad to see her go, but at least my little baby will have a grandparent now (Bubba) and can get her souvenirs. :puroperatchi:

Bebe left her baby sometime last night. I named her Betty and her sister is Candy. She turned into a Mizutamatchi today. So far she and her sister are twins because they are both Mizutamatchi's.

It's quite strange, they even go to the bathroom at the same time, get hungry at the same time, etc. If they evolve into the same thing each time that would be crazy.

I tried using another plant, but it didn't make Betty too happy. I guess I just don't have much luck with those things.

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Betty just collected all of her souvenirs from her parents AND her grandparents. I'm not going to bother collecting the things that Bebe took with her until I get all the souvenirs from the travel agency. I'm pretty sure those don't disappear so I might as well wait.

I'm wondering what #32 is. I haven't heard anything about anyone getting it yet. My guess would be something on Tama Island, but I'll just have to wait and see...

I finally got something from the plant! 300 whopping points! 5631 total!

The 3 other items in Betty's shop right now are all melons. Needless to say, I did not buy any of them. Better luck tomorrow...

There's nothing worth buying in Betty's shop this morning except for a hotdog and grapes. There's wings and a TV, but I'm not willing to spend that many points. Now that I think about it, I haven't had a sale in a very long time.

Betty played with her fishing pole and got a lousy can from it. Luckily, it's good for more than one use. I'll let her try again later.

Betty has been on pause most of the day today. She just played with her fishing pole and pulled out a huge dolphin. It was really cute! But her eyes got really big so maybe she didn't like it so much.

She turned into a Nikatchi yesterday. Not such a bad character. It's kinda cute actually.

I finally found a mirror for her! Now she can use her makeup soon.

Sorry for not updating since Saturday! I haven't been able to get online.

Betty turned into a Hanatchi today! Which is great because I've never had that character. She also turned 4 which means she will be able to go to Switzerland tomorrow and collect her souvenir.

She just used the Chest and got 200p. I think her luck is finally changing!

Another update at 7pm EST.
