Tama v4.5 Mail?


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Active member
Aug 1, 2007
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I Have An Ura Mametchi, And I Keep Getting Mail The Mail That Looks Like This [!]

And Then When I Selected It And Pressed The B Button These 3 Guys Came Up And Held Up Signs Like This...

o o o OR x x x I Went To A Barber Place once On The [!] ANd They Held Up o o o Then The King Came And Gave My Tama A Bottle And My Tama Cheered And Was Happy....Did I get That Job??/ What Do I Do With It?? :(

Yes, that is the job selection dealy!!! Your tama is presented a board of employers and they can approve you fot that job, if you have enough skill points that is.

Yeah, You got a job. You go to the conection button on your tama then click on work and you play a game, then the next day you collect the money and do it again.

Yes, you did get that job. To get to it, go under the connect button and then click work. You will be sent to work. Make sure you go every day to collect your pay. The more you go to work, the more money you get! You also still get payed even if you didn't work that day, so make sure not to forget going to collect pay! Hope I helped!

Tama Mama ;)

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