Tama Versions!


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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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I'm wondering, which tamagotchi have you gotten the most fun out of?

As you can probably tell, I DID NOT put in the V.5. This is because a majority of people who just bought this item are going to vote for it, based on the few days they've had it. :)

Thanks, I wonder who will win!

P.S My vote is for the V.3, and possibly the V.4! :D

I love all the different tamagotchis that I own (all the connection versions, a connexion, P1, P2, and angel) but my all-time favorite has to be the V2. It's simple but not too simple and there isn't a character I don't like. The V2 reminds me of when I was younger and life was simpler. :D

For me, its between the v1 and the v5 :wacko: I love the v5, and I like the v1 coz its not loaded with games and so simple. It has a good design too.

~tama_grl <_<

My favourite is the v1. I've gotten frustrated at some of the later versions partly because of the rule that "you have to complete the games to lose 3g of weight, and if your Tamagotchi is too light you can't play games!" I can be kinda perfectionist at times, so if I don't lose enough weight and my Tamagotchi is only a couple of grams over the base weight, I get extremely frustrated and whack my v4. It also doesn't help that the games are long either- Shape lasts about 1min 30sec and Jumping Rope lasts about 1min 50sec.

The v1 is quite easy- you only need to play a game for about 30sec to lose the maximum amount of weight for that game (2g for Dance, 3g for Jump). There are no annoying jobs or anything. This is why I like my v1.

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