Tama wont play games?


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Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Ugly Ohio... Want to move desperately.
Fear no more! To get your tama to play games, feed it a meal or two, or a snack. Then it should play games. If it doesn't it may be sick or poop may be on the floor. It's health or hunger could still be down also. This way your tama will lose wieght, but only if you feed it a meal before the games. Meals only cause them to gain one pound, while snacks 2 pounds, so its more efficient (SP?) to feed them a snack and then have it play a game. I hope that helps all of your fat tamas. I call my fat tamas "Lardo" :D :D


-Emo :mametchi: Mametchi-

: :lol: :D I agree! It always helps to exsersise your tama! :D :D *my tama always seems to be 99 or 98 LB's...* :huh: :D ;) :D :

If you're tama refuses to play a game it could be its met its lowest weight.

Try giving it a few foods and that should do it! :)

Woah! Well mine aren't THAT big but right now my teen is 17 lbs and wont play games. After I fed it a meal it played! ;)
-Emo :) Mametchi-


My teen tama is a young Memetchi. I wanted a Kutchi but Oh well...
It's because the normal weight for your teen is 15 lbs. So, you always have to be at least 3 pounds over that, (18 lbs.) in case you might win the game because evrytime you wina game you loose 3 pounds. That's why it doesn't work sometimes. Even thoughy uor tama isn't that overweight or over weight at all! :D

Tamagotchi only refuse to play games when they are sick or underweight. Fat Tamagotchi should not refuse to play, if they do so, try giving it a time out.

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