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Mar 12, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, for me, I can log into chat, but within a few minutes, I can no longer post anything in there and the chat "freezes" for me. Also, other than the "tamagotchi" chime when someone comes in, all other sound is gone. Please, if you are having problems with chat, post it here. If you are not having any trouble, DO NOT POST! Thanks! Let's keep this topic straight and too the point. tell your CHAT problems here.


Also, Admin knows there is a problem. we just want to know how far it is reaching.

the tamachat lets me in but it doesnt let me type

*trying to merge two topics didn't quite work like I planned.*

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Okay, for me, I can log into chat, but within a few minutes, I can no longer post anything in there and the chat "freezes" for me. Also, other than the "tamagotchi" chime when someone comes in, all other sound is gone. Please, if you are having problems with chat, post it here. If you are not having any trouble, DO NOT POST! Thanks! Let's keep this topic straight and too the point. tell your CHAT problems here.


Also, Admin knows there is a problem. we just want to know how far it is reaching.

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I'm having trouble.

I can't type in there at all.

Maybe switching servers affected the chatroom.

Its letting me in but my connection keeps timing out and I can't say anything.

I got into the chatroom but the box where you type doesnt want to appear. I kept trying but it didnt come. Whats going on?

[SIZE=21pt]Alright, this happened to me also. I can't see anyone's writing or mine...and I can't move...but here are some of the things you can do to help it.[/SIZE]


Restart the computer




Shut down the computer




Come back on later


These are some of the things you can do..

If it still doesn't work, don't worrie, Admin will fix it soon. I'm not going to be TamaChat today cause there's problems with it...

[SIZE=21pt]Have a Good-Day![/SIZE]

-White Ninja :lol:

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I haven't had any trouble what so ever this weekend..

If your having problems, try clearing your cache/cookies (Temporary internet files) it could be clogging it up..


I am 2,I could log in,but as another poster After the welcoming chim,THere was no sound and i couldn't post.

I haven't had any trouble what so ever this weekend..If your having problems, try clearing your cache/cookies (Temporary internet files) it could be clogging it up..

Already did that as Admin requested. it is a "bump in the road" in the new server change over. Thanks :huh: I appreciate the suggestion!


The same thing here, I'm extremely offended, doesn't the chat room recognize my sexiness? I was sure my Mojo would let me in *hmph!*


Okay, for me, I can log into chat, but within a few minutes, I can no longer post anything in there and the chat "freezes" for me. Also, other than the "tamagotchi" chime when someone comes in, all other sound is gone. Please, if you are having problems with chat, post it here. If you are not having any trouble, DO NOT POST! Thanks! Let's keep this topic straight and too the point. tell your CHAT problems here.

Also, Admin knows there is a problem. we just want to know how far it is reaching.

the tamachat lets me in but it doesnt let me type

*trying to merge two topics didn't quite work like I planned.*
it wont let me talk!!!! :furawatchi:

i've also been having that problem. I can log in but when i type something it won't appear on the screen and when i switch rooms nothing happens

I've been having a few problems also. If you reload it a few(hundred) times, it might work lol. I had to reload it about 10 times before it worked without problem.

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