Tamagotchi + Akai (Red)


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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2009
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USA, Texas ( Or Maybe Not)
Hello my name is Peyton and this is my log for my Tamagotchi plus Akai named Yoko

Hi my name is Yoko I was just born today!!!! I am so happy!!!!

Darn it!! I knew I should have not given her that Red Bull.Anyway I think you must be wondering what kind of a Tamagotchi Yoko is by now.Yoko,How about you tell the Tamatalkers of the world!!!

Ok,Peyton I am a ShiroHaatotchi.Well whatever!! Peyton can I go to the park.

Only if I can go with you.Because.. well you know.Anyway,Yoko before we leave we should say bye to the TamaTalkers

TTFN!! Taa Taa For Now!

Well bye seeya later!!

*Walks out door*

Hi! It is me again.Also Yoko has a suprise for you!

Yes I do I evolved into a Cherrychi!!

I am working on a house for Yoko I might put up a few photos of Yoko and her house.

Peyton,I want to start putting bios at the end of these posts.

Ok!Lets start on it in the next post. SEEYA BYE!!

Before the day ends me and Yoko have taken some pictures of her house so far plus a picture of her.I forgot to tell you Yoko turned into a Ringochi!!

Yup!That is so super duper cool!Also I got a CELL PHONE now!!

Anyway here are the pictures! Enjoy!




In the picture of Yoko the screen is kind of glared if anyone knows how to fix that PM me. :)





MONEY:290 Gotchi


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Today me and Yoko did a AMAZING achivement.Yoko, tell them what we did.

We got 100 points on the poo catching game.However not once but 4 times!!

Also Yoko is still a Ringotchi.She might evolve later today if she does I will post it here.

Also I started to dance!! I am prety good at it.Peyton what are we having for dinner?

You are having BBQ and I am having Tofu.

AWESOME!! Well bye Tamatalk!!

Hi!!I have to tell you something that is super AWESOME!!!


Yoko is now a adult Memetchi.That means she is able to get married now!!

When I get married and have a baby I have to leave soon after the birth of the baby.That means I have to trust Peyton with the baby

Well I raised you and trust me YOU were a mess!!

That is true.I will make sure to mail stuff to you.

Before you talk about having a baby do you even have any NAMES!!

Darn it!!I don't have any name ideas.

How about you ask the Tamatalkers?

If you have any name ideas PM us!!



Also we LOVE fanmail so send some to us!!

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Me and Yoko are going to Flordia!!

So sadly we might be late with our log updating. ;_;

Yes so if we are late with an update don't think we bailed.Also Yoko when the heck are you going to get married?!

I just can't find any men that are right!!

Ok,just don't turn into an Oldie.

Okie Dokie!!

We have to go so we won't be late on our drive. BYE!

TaTa For Now!! :)

Hi!Sorry about being late with the update.Anyway over these few days Yoko got married to a Kuchipachi named Steev.Now they left there baby,Well Toddler.Here she comes.

Hi my name is Marci!!Before my mom left she told me about this AWESOME log!You might be wondering what Tamagotchi I am well I am a Kuribotchi.

I am thinking of addding more Tamagotchi's to this log.what do you think?

It would be cool to have maybe like a Tamago in the log or something.Whatever anyway when I went to the park I GOT A BOYFRIEND!! Can I go to meet him? His name is Carlos.

Sure,BUT first say bye to TamaTalk.

Bye Tamatalk!!


Toddler with a boyfriend.Not to sure how I feel about that.Anyway Seeya later Tamatalk!! :)

Hello!It is Marci.Today I evolved into a Young Mametchi.I also got a letter from my mom Yoko

*Opens Letter*

Dear Marci,

How are you? Are you staying out of trouble?

We might come to visit soon.

,Yoko and Steev

Nobody really told me about my mom other then she was a Memetchi and she was good at the Poo Catching Game.

Sorry I was late!! I was eating toast.

*Marci looks out window and starts yelling*

OH MY GOD!!!Carlos is making out with that dumb Ribotchi named Stacie.

*Walks outside and slaps Carlos and comes back inside*

I am ok more guys will come.

Well bye!!


Hello.It is us again.

I evolved into a Kuchipactchi and there is some people with us you might remember.

Hi Tamatalk!! It is me Yoko.

My wife told me about this log. My name is Steev.

Everybody!! GROUP PHOTO!!


Well Tamatalk..BYE!




Hi Tamatalk what is up? Sorry I didn't update yesterday me and Marci were at the beach.

We saw Peyton's cousin.Him and Peyton dug a super deep hole.

Yes but it kept on falling into its self.

I have a new boyfriend named Jumbo.He is SUPER TALL.

Cool! I thought you said that you were going to meet him at the mall?

Oh crud! I did. I have to go meet him!BYE TAMATALK!

Seeya! Also rate us five stars and VOTE `till it hurts!

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Hi! Jumbo and Marci got married.

Howdy! My name is Jumbo my Wife told me about this log.

You might be wondering what kind of Tamagotchi Jumbo is. He is a Tengutchi.

Me and Marci's baby is a HaaTotchi.

Hi Jumbo!Hi Peyton!

Hi me name is Eli.

Awwwww!Well bye TamaTalk!!!

Me and Jumbo are still hanging out.

Betcha getting sick of me!!

Be quite Eli is sleeping!

We got a magic 8 ball watch this!

It is always right!! Whatever time to say BYE! BYE to people!



Eli say bye!

Hi I that we could go to the mall for a change.Look who we found!!

Yes, look! We found Sukki from this wonderful log!

Hi Peyton!Our band CHICKSSS made a song for you.

Really? Thanks!!

Thanks for sending us fan mail!!

Your welcome.

We also read your log!

Awesome! Well BYE!!



Me and Eli are super exited because we are going to a CHICKSSS concert!

Sukki gave us tickets. Also I am now a Cherrytchi.

Eli now tatally(xD) loves CHICKSSS.

People say I look like my Great-Grandmother when she was my age.Do I look like her?

Yup she was a Cherrytchi.


Well since he is losing it. BYE!!

Me and Eli went to a CHICKSSS concert.

It was the last one they did before their lead singer Sukki got married.

Eli also evolved into a Tomatchi.

I also almost saved up 2000G.

We also got a poster signed by Sukki.Here it is!



Hi Peyton here again!

Don't forget me! I turned into a Debatchi.

We won't be able to post for a little while.

Anyway sorry about the short post. BYE!


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Hi TT! Nothing big has been happening.

Still a Debatchi!

I am looking to add another Tamagotchi to the log. What would you add?

I do get lonely.

I am so happy we are at the keys!!



Seeya round!

Well Eli got married to a Tengutchi named Kate.

Yup our baby is so cute!


My husband told me about this wonderful log.






Well Eli left there baby boy with me here he comes.

Hi me is a Cherrytchi.

I am wondering how many people read this.

So give us FANMAIL!!

If you do we will put your name in the next post.

Yes we will.

Anyway Epi needs to sleep! BYE!!

Seewoo next twime.

Sorry about no color my laptop is on the fritz-Peyton

I am a YoungOyajitchi!-Epi

We got a charm to clip on to Epi`s Shell.-Peyton

I have to go now bye-Epi


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