tamagotchi angel hatchoff


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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
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this is a group hatch for tamagotchi angels (or angelgotchis :chohimetchi: ) with a twist :puroperatchi: ! it's a hatch off! on october first we will all hatch our tamagotchis and who Evers angels lasts the longest wins one of these!!! (the prizes https://img696.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20100927at633.png/)


•no cheating pictures are very helpful on this topic 1 picture is needed per Post if we can just make out the character thats all we need

•1 Post per day is necessery some excuses will go for missing posts


whoever want to join go ahed the spaces aren't limited

i was given full permition to do this by the origanal creator


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this is a group hatch for tamagotchi angels (or angelgotchis :furawatchi: ) with a twist :p ! it's a hatch off! on october first we will all hatch our tamagotchis and who Evers angels lasts the longest wins one of these!!! (the prizes https://img696.imageshack.us/i/screenshot20100927at633.png/)RULES:

•no cheating pictures are very helpful on this topic 1 picture is needed per Post if we can just make out the character thats all we need

•1 Post per day is necessery some excuses will go for missing posts


whoever want to join go ahed the spaces aren't limited

i was given full permition to do this by the origanal creator

ill joine but can i joine latter i dont have battrys :'(

okay then the date is now october third

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I'm not sure, maybe I'll chip out... I'm not sure if I'll get time enough now that I'll be in school and so, plus I gotta go to bed now... I don't know what time zone you're in, but It's late in Sweden now, and I haven't hatched my angelgotchi yet... :furawatchi: Please is it ok if I do it tomorrow instead?

If so, I'll try and do my best, otherwise I'm out... Sorry.

Well I hatched my angel shortly after my last post. Angel (How oridginal :) ) raised from her grave and started her afterlife life (Ummm... Yea all I could come up with). Anyway I have given her pretty good care, unfortionally since my Angel has no sound, it has resulted in a few care misses...

* Took her nap with lights on

* Has fallen as low as 1 Hungry, 2 Happy, and 19 TP (Not all at once).

* Bat stole candy 3 times, leaveing poor Angel with no praise. :p

Angel is now a tot and is enjoying life! (Refrence to EnTama)

Edit. Sorry I forgot the pic. I'll try to get some up soon!

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Oh, I DO hope it is okay I join now! I know I'm one day too late and so, but I was very tired yesterday, and now I'm afraid I might have seemed grumpy in my last post :D :angry: Anyway, I just pushed the reset butto, and I cannot wait until this scary obaketchi disappeares... I'll post again soon, when all is started up alright! :angry:

lolokitchi you can join! ok about to hatch mine poast back

OMG soooo sorry guys the date for hatching was the 4tth sorry you can still join and people who did yesterday can keep going

OK! glad to see you are all present. i started up my angel at 5:56. i will be running my pink angel (pic https://img191.imageshack.us/i/img0890yk.jpg/ ) after what has seemed like forever my angle hatched! a cute little ghost poped out of the egg

"tecnically its not an egg, its a soul finding its origin"

*sigh* yes thats marcie she sounds so old for just a baby

"oh shut up."

yes thats what I am talking about.

EDIT: bruno we are waiting for you

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ok sorry today we are getting battrys for my tamagotchi angel so i am joining today

Boy the life of a soundless Angel is a tough one indeed! She evolved into the helthy teen last night. Unfortuneatly, I forgot her for a few hours, only to find her with 0 happy and hunger. Poor little Angel. Anyway dispite her sevrial care misses, I still paan on her becomeing the twin angels! Unfortuneatly at this point I have a good feeling I will end up in last, but who knows?

people try to get pics up please

ok time for my poast! marcie changed into a teen unfortunately a bad care teen but oh well

"lol i lovvvvve poneys!"

marcie thhat was off topic :)

"so? you raised me horribly dont I get some say in this?!?"


"humph ;) "

my pic will be up as soon as my camara is ready

cool ok so i put in the battrys on my tamagotchi and i am whating for it to hach

yes it hached now it is the little ghost :3

I'm really very sorry, but I guess I have to pull out. Ive been trying, but this page wouldn't load, I've got some problems with my tamatalk right now, plus, I've lost my camera wire... :D

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