tamagotchi antennas on version 3...


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Jun 1, 2006
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hey guys! this is my first post! i just got my tamagotchi version 2 yesterday from ebay :-D its' so cool! i never owned a tamagotchi when i was younger...i had a nano puppy...but this thing is a million times cooler! i'm 23 years old now...which is pretty lame but whatevers i couldn't help myself! i'm like a little kid again haha...anyways...pressing forward..those version 3s out there....yah i get that they have new games and what not...but the antenna on the upper left corner of the egg? not sure i dig the new style...i like the classic egg look... i know i'm being nit-picky about it...but i really felt that i needed to express how i felt in the "whats on your mind" section hahaha... that being said...does anyone else dislike the antennas on the version threes or prefers the tamagotchi connection version 2 style better? i dont wanna be the only one lol...

The new antennae is just the western version of the Tamagotchi Keitai. Keitai is a mobile phone in Japanese as well. The Keitais could connect to Japanese mobiles for different things and the antennae were made to indicate that i.e. Tamagotchi mobile. At this time the western world had V2s with not half the functions. v3 is the western version of the Keitai..that's about it. We can't get connection with phones because of the way our mobile networks are set up.

:wacko: thanks for clearing that up :) so our version 2 of the tamagotchi is called what in the japenese version? also what functions are we missing out on aside from the cellphone capabilities?
hey guys! this is my first post! i just got my tamagotchi version 2 yesterday from ebay :-D its' so cool! i never owned a tamagotchi when i was younger...i had a nano puppy...but this thing is a million times cooler! i'm 23 years old now...which is pretty lame but whatevers i couldn't help myself! i'm like a little kid again haha...anyways...pressing forward..those version 3s out there....yah i get that they have new games and what not...but the antenna on the upper left corner of the egg? not sure i dig the new style...i like the classic egg look... i know i'm being nit-picky about it...but i really felt that i needed to express how i felt in the "whats on your mind" section hahaha... that being said...does anyone else dislike the antennas on the version threes or prefers the tamagotchi connection version 2 style better? i dont wanna be the only one lol...
Don't feel bad because I will be 23 in august and I have a v2 and a v3.I like the new style of the v3's. :) :wacko:

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:) thanks for clearing that up :) so our version 2 of the tamagotchi is called what in the japenese version? also what functions are we missing out on aside from the cellphone capabilities?
V2 was like a mini version of the Keitai before V3 came out. V3 with TamaTown provides pretty much the equivalent of what the Japanese Tamagotchi Keitai does with their mobile phones.

The new antennae is just the western version of the Tamagotchi Keitai. Keitai is a mobile phone in Japanese as well. The Keitais could connect to Japanese mobiles for different things and the antennae were made to indicate that i.e. Tamagotchi mobile. At this time the western world had V2s with not half the functions. v3 is the western version of the Keitai..that's about it. We can't get connection with phones because of the way our mobile networks are set up.

P.S. I am one of the youngest people on tamatalk. XD ;)

I love them ;)

They are much cooler and looks abit bigger beacuse of that and I like that.

I don't care, I like antenna or not. But I know one thing. There is nothing in the antenna. I opened my tama. There is NOTHING. The antenna is just decoration.

-h99 :blink:

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