Tamagotchi at Toyfair 2014


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Seen this before the showing also seems to apply that these are ONLY for girls, I mean look at the background, everything is dang pink LMAO

Obviously guys collect and use them as well, so it seems a little sexist are I'm looking to much into it.

Excuse me, but what about the iDL, P's, and other Japanese Tamagotchi? Japan has had girly Tamagotchis for years but nooooo, everyone has to attack the Tamagotchi Friends :rolleyes: And if you ask me, acting as if girl-oriented stuff is a terrible thing is sexist.

Tamagotchis are aimed at girls now because it involves nurturing a pet and because boys have stuff like Power Rangers or Hot Wheels, but it doesn't mean boys can't play Tamagotchis and girls can't play with Hot Wheels and Power Rangers. Nobody calls Hot Wheels and Power Rangers sexist, do they? So why does EVERYTHING have to be for boys? Deal with it. :)

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If you think that's bad, you need to walk through Sears and see the 'pink tools' section. I'm not even kidding.

That said, I don't like girly things, at all, despite being a girl, but I don't mind with virtual pets too much. I can understand guys feeling uncomfy, but it's a stigma that society perpetuates, really.

The ability to change the faceplates (and maybe add cover sheets if possible like the Tama-Go?) is a step in the right direction for those who really want to customize their Tama into being more 'masculine' I guess you could say.

Seen this before the showing also seems to apply that these are ONLY for girls, I mean look at the background, everything is dang pink LMAO

Obviously guys collect and use them as well, so it seems a little sexist are I'm looking to much into it.
Welllllllllllllllll.............. Bandai USA is now making Tamagotchis more for girls Boys these days rather play video games or buy um idk Pokemon cards XD? besides even if they make it unisex boys might be bullied by other people "OMG your like playing with girl toys" soooooooooooo yep because they made it for Girls only I doubt girls might be bullied for playing with them



Welllllllllllllllll.............. Bandai USA is now making Tamagotchis more for girls Boys these days rather play video games or buy um idk Pokemon cards XD? besides even if they make it unisex boys might be bullied by other people "OMG your like playing with girl toys" soooooooooooo yep because they made it for Girls only I doubt girls might be bullied for playing with them
As a kid tamagotchi was always for everyone if bandai wasn't so sexist and advertised them for everyone then they wouldn't be seen as girls toys, it's about perspective and how we are conditioned to think a certain way.

Chouchotchi (Butterflytchi), Amiamitchi, Yukinkotchi, and Yumecantchi were added to the US Tamagotchi Friends site. Probably because there are figures of them.


Also, Toys R Us in Canada and US now has the Tamagotchi Friends!! There's no announcement for US though but maybe soon... people in the US on FaceBook were posting photos... The new designs should be out in UK also because I saw an advertisement on a website for it.

So here's what Bandai had to say on the Tamagotchi Friends at the Toyfair 2014.


Still not sure why they're speaking as though this is the first time Tamagotchi is making a comeback since 1996. The Bandai rep even goes to say, "It's coming back after 17 years!" Why completely disregard 2004-2010 Tamagotchi releases? Strange.

They're just trying to build hype and get people excited. You cant build hype saying "We've been tanking pretty bad, here's another one, we hope you like it better." but "After 17 years! Tamagotchi is returning!" get a lot of 'ooo's' and 'ahhhh's' with that.

Chouchotchi (Butterflytchi), Amiamitchi, Yukinkotchi, and Yumecantchi were added to the US Tamagotchi Friends site. Probably because there are figures of them.


Also, Toys R Us in Canada and US now has the Tamagotchi Friends!! There's no announcement for US though but maybe soon... people in the US on FaceBook were posting photos... The new designs should be out in UK also because I saw an advertisement on a website for it.
I went to the Toys R Us USA site and there's no trace of Tamagotchi Friends on there. :( USA peeps must be buying them from Canadian Toys R Us stores.

There were photos of them inside the USA Toys R Us stores >3>



California, Michigan, Toronto... I guess it's not in all states yet <n<

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There were photos of them inside the USA Toys R Us stores >3>


California, Michigan, Toronto... I guess it's not in all states yet <n<
I wonder if anyone has spotted them in Florida yet? I hate having to wait forever. D:

Guess I'll have to check my local Toys R Us soon...

Wait a sec... $21.99? I thought TF were supposed to have a MSRP of $19.99? Hmmmm >_> Unless $21.99 is the Canadian Toys R US price and the first photo is from USA Toys R US.

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I wonder if anyone has spotted them in Florida yet? I hate having to wait forever. D:

Guess I'll have to check my local Toys R Us soon...

Wait a sec... $21.99? I thought TF were supposed to have a MSRP of $19.99? Hmmmm >_>
I just checked my local toys r us yesterday (I live in florida too lol) and they said that the soonest they would have them is maybe 3 weeks but there's no way to know until the truck gets there. D;

I just checked my local toys r us yesterday (I live in florida too lol) and they said that the soonest they would have them is maybe 3 weeks but there's no way to know until the truck gets there. D;
Aww man, I hate waiting. D: 3 Weeks means September. :( :( :( Why is TMGC Friends having a soft release with them slowing popping in stores in a few states? I thought it would be a hard release with them in all stores across the country. :angry:

Yeah I asked my local TRU (which there are 2 of them) and they told me they come out in September. o.o Then again, sam with the Little Live Pets and here Target has them already out even though I preordered them online. Grah. Watch Target or Walmart get the TF before TRU does.

So... I guess I should stumble back into my TRU? I didn't check the side displays... Choices. So many choices. I will report back, with pictures if I do find them. Chances are, no, but one can hope. *doesn't want to drive out there again...*

I wonder if anyone has spotted them in Florida yet? I hate having to wait forever. D:

Guess I'll have to check my local Toys R Us soon...

Wait a sec... $21.99? I thought TF were supposed to have a MSRP of $19.99? Hmmmm >_> Unless $21.99 is the Canadian Toys R US price and the first photo is from USA Toys R US.
It's from a Toys R Us in Southern California. We're not really sure why it's $21.99 either, other than that particular Toys R Us jacking the price up.

:p Southern California is where my boyfriend lives heh. I want him to check it out >w<

$2 isn't that much difference, it's still extremely cheap!!

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