Tamagotchi Ban Petition


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I don't think they can take all the tamagotchis away it just couldn't happen I thimk it's just a rumor and If they do well they don't have to know you have one and you won't have to give it back it's not like they are going to go around and collect all of them from everyone

You can't be serious :mametchi: .. TAMA-HATER :chohimetchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi:
Really, pokemon and neopets have tons more gambling, yet they do no harm to others. The younger children problay won't even know its gambling and won't do it in the future :pochitchi:

this is why i don't want to live in America, because some people have simply nothing better to do but whine about some plastic toy which is about OWNING A PET not gambling :marumimitchi:
the base reason that they want to ban it is because of gambling of course, but of because it can influence people to gamble alot in real life. Yes, yes ''it's just a game'' but people can still be influenced none the less. Before you know it alot of people could be on streets, homeless and without money.

It's just like drinking, sometimes you never know when to draw the line.

The least they could do is raise the rating on the back to something of a higher age.

I signed as well. My first name is Renee btw. If they Bann Tamas then they need to bann Pokemon. Its just tama points. I can understand if it is real money. I will be 21 in a few years and even I think that the Tamas should stay. In Pokemon you gamble half of your MONEY to fight. IF you win(Witch I never lost a pokemon battle in years) then you get paid half of the losers money and if you lose you pay them half. So Pokemon envolves alot more gambling then tamagotchis. Which really isn't gambling because it doesn't evolve money just points.
I like Pokemon a bit more than tamas. So I disagree.

... Oh em gee. I can't believe this. It is just a game! It's minimal gambling! It can't even be called gambling! And besides: Instead of banning, why not tell Bandai to get rid of the Slot game in future versions!! I'd sign the petition, but it's been taken down. :)

Hi I am sure you all know about the topic that says the tamagotchi is going to be banned because of the slot but as other people say other virtual pets such as pokemn and GBA game have mroe gambling than tamagotchis they should leave us alone and do the pokemon ! Well here is my petition so pelase sing it Tamagotchi Ban petition


Those... PEOPLE!!! That doesn't seem fair. Then again, life isn't always fair. By the way, that's a dead link.

Yeah, the petition isn't working anymore because the author didn't provide enough info or something, I forgot because I x'ed out the petition.

here what i do i go out and buy alot of of them then hide them and buy alot of batterys and refuse to give them to the goverment hey it sloves your problem

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