Tamagotchi Color: Hot or Not?


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Not hot because it's not in English yet..

At least some games have some English.

Right? xP

It's okay, but to be honest I much prefer them in black and white. They don't appear to do very much to me, and of course there is the language problem...

Because of the color screen, battery life is cut. So they look better, but die younger...

It's hot, I love it and I love that it IS IN JAPANESE. I wouldn't buy it if it was in english. I can't read japanese and it's not an issue. So, all of you saying, :OMG I can't understand it cause it's in japanese", can suck it! Haha, it's so easy to figure out, there is no "language problem". STOP WHINING about that and the price!!!

I love them.

Very fun tamas. :) Sure the Japanese I can't understand, but that's why we have internet to look things up. xDD

They are expensive, but it's worth the buy, I think. 8D

Definitely HOT!! If you can understand English -language tamas the Color isn't hard to figure out. Also, you're raising only one character, not a family, so its kinda back to basics. With the on-board different places to go on it, you don't have to go online to Tamatown. True, the batteries don't last as long, but the screen darkens if you don't play with it for a few seconds. AAA batteries are available most anywhere, even gas stations and convenience stores, and you can get a bunch for little money at Walmart.

Definit hot.And when I do get my hands on one,maybe ill convert it into english so I know what they are saying.

Back to the question,It is worth buying for what ive seen.

I will be asking my parent for one on XMas. They're so expensive tho... :p

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