tamagotchi color ID


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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2007
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i don't believe the tamagotchi color ID is here in america, but i'd like to confirm that.

also, if it isn't in america are there english versions that i could buy like on ebay? since i do not speak or read japanese >.< :D

thanks! :)

It has not been released in America although people can buy it online. There are no English versions. You don't need to know how to speak or read Japanese to know how to successfully care for any Japanese Tamagotchi. I've got a TMGC+C (another Japanese-exclusive Tamagotchi) and I love it. It's a breeze and so much fun taking care of it. You just start to memorize what everything is after a while.

oh i see,

thats awesome.

they are a lot of money, but i want one :furawatchi:

how much did you pay for your tamagotchi color?

I got mine new for $48 (the price included shipping) through a friend I made online. The +C is generally cheaper than the IDs.

I got mine for 58 on eBay (included shipping). If you love to take care of tamas go for the +C, but if you want a game that you can change after time buy the ID. They seems similar, but they're different (in the ID they arent oldies and adult tamas dont die). On the ID you can make more and visit more places, but if you cant download new items/games/food and you dont have an IRda connector buy a TMGc+C ;)

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oh i see, maybe im better off not with the id.

ill probably get one some day but at the moment im working on getting a tamago :rolleyes:

thanks everyone

I wouldn't necessarily go with the +C over the iD, though, just because you can't download anything. You can still enter codes to get items, and there are more options for eating (such as going to restaurants). You can also visit a ton of places. Just save up some money for whichever one you'll get :p .

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