Tamagotchi Color


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Active member
Oct 21, 2006
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Do you want a color tama?

You can see your pet in full color.

Like this.

:mimitchi: :huh: ^_^ :eek: ;) :p :D :lol: B) :gozarutchi: -_- :mametchi: :) :wub: :ph34r:

That would be nice, but I kind of like the black/white/pixely look. I don't really want tamagotchis to get too advanced..

I think colour would be so cute. Although like keena said, the little pixilated ones are cute too. I don't mind either way but I suppose colours would add a little more life to them, in my opinion. But it doesn't matter either way, 'cause I love them anyway! <3

Yeah, well i would like the color, and that would be cool. Yeah, i don't want tamas to get too advanced, or they wouldn't be the same, but color and finer pixels, (like more smaller pixels so it looked more like it does on this screen, not like all boxy and not smooth)

and maybe the screen could be lighted, but otherwise, it would be the same. You could also turn the screen light of if you wanted to, just like in other more expensive video game systems.

Yeah, well i would like the color, and that would be cool. Yeah, i don't want tamas to get too advanced, or they wouldn't be the same, but color and finer pixels, (like more smaller pixels so it looked more like it does on this screen, not like all boxy and not smooth)and maybe the screen could be lighted, but otherwise, it would be the same. You could also turn the screen light of if you wanted to, just like in other more expensive video game systems.
Yeah, just as TamaXTREAM said I don't want tamagotchis do advanced. I like them black and white. BanDai is doing their best job. They may make them colored one day. Like I like wood. Wood makes items beautiful. Plastic is just...blech. Wood is way better than plastic even though that it is just wood.

Thatd be cool, but if everything got all advanced, like you could do alot more stuff besides games and feeding and all, like sending it to school and giving it clothes to put on and stuff (although you can now, but only for a few seconds) then it'd kinda defeat the whole purpose of tamagotchis, having a simple pet and taking care of it, some peple mght focus mainly on the clothes, or their grades, for example, although this has nothing to go with color,so basically, all in all, just as everyone else is saying, yes, color would be cool.

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