Tamagotchi Dreams


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Well-known member
May 2, 2010
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(Sorry if this has already been posted elsewhere, I did not have time to check!)

Have you guys ever had dreams about your Tamas? I had a dream I got a free shiny new V6 and my friend won my paint-worn Digital Yello V4 it was freaky and I got confused haha What about you guys?

I'm pretty sure I've had a dream about my Tama, I just can't remember what happened in it but I do know it was a pretty cool dream ;) B) :eek: :eek:

I dream about my tamas all the time- for example- I was walking hrough Guru Guru town with Kuchi[atchi, and we went to get ice cream- and i looked down and the road was paved with Tamagotchi boxes... and you could pick them up- and I took as many as I could cary and brought them back to Earth- and I had a pink Music Star- and the next day my mom bought me a Music Star--- a pink one!!

I love tama dreams!!

Not that I can remember, at least not yet. :) I'm sure it'd be a pretty awesome dream if it did happen. :D

I probably have somewhere along the line. xD

I just can't remember any right off. It'd be pretty cool to have a dream about going to TamaPlanet. ^_^

Visiting TamaPlanet would be pretty epic, hahaha. I'm pretty sure I've had at least one where I'm playing with a Tamagotchi...maybe that counts as a dream? :)

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