Tamagotchi DS: Just an idea.


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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2004
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Tamagotchi DS... I'm not sure if there is a game like this, but I think this would be a really neat idea.

Alot of people wanted their tamagotchis in FULL colour, not just black pixels. Well, why not have a tamagotchi DS game where it is exactly that? I thought that MAYBE, if that happened, like the old gameboy game, your tama egg could sit in a house or something. Or better yet, it could be sitting in a field till it hatches. Then you buy more stuff for it like a house and different stuff like a well for water and a crop for food and stuff. Then it can wirelessly link *somehow* to tamatown, where you use your ds to visit various shops. I know! This sounds really weird (Or really cool to those envisioning it) but I really don't think this would ever happen. It's a really cool idea in my opinion.

What do you guys think? And I'm sorry if there's already a DS game like this. It's just something random I thought up of :( .

I think that if Bandai made a DS game on Tamagotchi, it would immediatly lose the spirite of the true meaning of the Tamagotchi. Tamagotchis were ment to me a small hand-held electronic pet for simple play. Now, I think that all this technology has made the Tama lose its traditional meaning.

Thankyou, Tamadude787. Thankyou!!! I also think Tamagotchi has lost its meaning. I hate the new games. I hate the jobs. I hate the v4 and the v4.5 and I'm not really keen on the idea of the Famitama.

There already are Tamagotchi games on DS. There's Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi (Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop), Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi Gohiki Ni (Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop 2), Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi Mina San Kyu (probably going to be Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop 3) and Tamagotchi no Appare! Nijiventure.

Lukie99, I've been thinking that too. In my imaginary world I made a game like that called "Enjoy Life to the Full!! Tamagotchi DS." Instead of raising three Tamagotchi in different rooms, you raise three Tamagotchi in the same room. You can go out shopping in the Tamagotchi World and have holidays on Earth (to Japan or somewhere like that). And because it's "Enjoy Life to the Full" your Tamagotchi can have jobs. In my imaginary world I remember one job is a flight attendant so you walk around serving passengers and stuff (and sometimes some unaccompanied Tamagotchi might be really scared of aeroplane toilets and ask you to flush it for them- don't say that in real life flight attendants never do this because they did it for me lol). Another job is a pilot and you use the touch screen and the buttons to control the plane.

Thankyou, Tamadude787. Thankyou!!! I also think Tamagotchi has lost its meaning. I hate the new games. I hate the jobs. I hate the v4 and the v4.5 and I'm not really keen on the idea of the Famitama.
There already are Tamagotchi games on DS. There's Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi (Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop), Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi Gohiki Ni (Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop 2), Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi Mina San Kyu (probably going to be Tamagotchi Connexion Corner Shop 3) and Tamagotchi no Appare! Nijiventure.

Lukie99, I've been thinking that too. In my imaginary world I made a game like that called "Enjoy Life to the Full!! Tamagotchi DS." Instead of raising three Tamagotchi in different rooms, you raise three Tamagotchi in the same room. You can go out shopping in the Tamagotchi World and have holidays on Earth (to Japan or somewhere like that). And because it's "Enjoy Life to the Full" your Tamagotchi can have jobs. In my imaginary world I remember one job is a flight attendant so you walk around serving passengers and stuff (and sometimes some unaccompanied Tamagotchi might be really scared of aeroplane toilets and ask you to flush it for them- don't say that in real life flight attendants never do this because they did it for me lol). Another job is a pilot and you use the touch screen and the buttons to control the plane.
I don't mind the jobs and what not.

But I thought like... A ds version of taking care of your tamagotchi would be cool, but I guess that wouldn't be the case. I fully agree, as someone who has grown up when the tamagotchi was first made, about it losing its meaning. I remember I was about 8 when the tamagotchi came to America, they were sold EVERYWHERE, and to my memory were only aboue 5 dollars. I'm not sure on the prices but yeah... Now it seems that the tamagotchi isn't like a pet, its more of a sim character. I liked it when your tamagotchis acted like a pet, like a dog or cat or something. It was more fun in my opinion. I never knew my dog could become a doctor :unsure:

Anyways, now that the familitama (V5) is coming out, I think that that will be interesting don't you think? I guess we could look at it as an evolution line.

Before, our tamas used to really be pets. Something that couldn't think for itself. Then, as years progressed, it became more complex. Finally, in its more complicated stages, they've developed communities and stuff.

According to Darwin's evolution theory, we used to be the same. We started off as pet like creatures, then as the years progressed, we to became more complex. <_<

Thankyou, Tamadude787. Thankyou!!! I also think Tamagotchi has lost its meaning. I hate the new games. I hate the jobs. I hate the v4 and the v4.5 and I'm not really keen on the idea of the Famitama.
I wasn't keen on the games and the shop-focus of recent tamas, but I do like the job system- Wanting to explore the different jobs helps me to raise each tama differently, and helps me develop my strategy when I'm raising a new one. Tamagotchi is quite dynamic for me for the first time in a couple of hardware re-visits, I was always getting the same characters in versions 2 and 3, but I've had a different one each time on my V4 :wub: It helps me to keep keen on it!

Anyhoo, I do agree with the sentiment that things like a more high-end Tamagotchi or a Tamagotchi simulator game for pc or console does get away from the concept and the point of Tamagotchi. When I got my first Tamagotchi Connexion, I liked that it ran all the time and that I always had it with me- I never could have played it as dilligently as I did if it were a game (even a portable system like GBA or DS).

I know there is a tamagotchi game for the ds...but its not like tamagotchi at all. I think It would be fun, because it would be like nintendogs! you would have a house.. and all. That'd be a good idea! :)

I think that is a wonderful idea!!!!!!!! I am behind you 100% on that one. I think that the Bandia's sales would go up to!! :lol:

I think Tamagotchis are turning into a big thing with Bandai. I think they're losing the spirit of raising a pet, and will soon be 99% merchandise oriented soon :/ Well, they're the next big thing I guess, and they have to increase the number of people who use Tamagotchis?

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