Tamagotchi (GB) Review


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Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
I have two Tamagotchi V3's, and really enjoy them. Recently when I was on a retro gaming expo, I found a copy of Tamagotchi for the Gameboy. I never knew this existed (😳), so I was eager to try it out. 

In all honesty I must say, it's a really good adaptation of the V1/V2 Tamagotchi. I made a video review about it if anyone is interested.

Tell me what you think about Tamagotchi for the Gameboy! I'd love to know.

i just watched the review, tamagotchi on gameboy is a nice idea but what bothers me is that they animate the shell of the tamagotchi on the screen itself as if it was on a tamagotchi device..it always kinda bothered when people made tamagotchi games for the phone and they had the shell there too..i don't see why not use the entire screen and improve on the animations and design instead of using 60% of it on drawing the shell and buttons etc. this probably sounds like a rant lol sorry
anyway personally i didn't like adaptations of tamagotchis on other devices..i think it just takes the magic away..i feel like if you make a pet caring game on a device like that you want to make the proper adaptations for it because making it "retro" will never feel like the real thing. 
other than that the review was pretty good i think :) 

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