Tamagotchi-Go or the Tamagotchi+color?


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Jun 14, 2011
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Which type of tamagotchi is better the Tama-Go or the tamagotchi+color?

Please vote!!!!

Votes will be tallied in the next 10 days which will be June 30 2011.

Please Vote!!

It kind of depends. The TMGC+Cs are quite expensive.. and I got my Tama-Go today, for $20.00.. so price is a factor.

With the Tama-Go, you have to buy figurines to get certain things.

The TMGC+C is in Japanese.. the Tama-Go is in English. Would you prefer guess work (unless you happen to speak Japanese) or actually being able to read it (if you speak English.)

I'm not sure about the battery life or such things of that sort since I've only had it for about an hour or so..

I vote the Tama-Go, personally.

Omg Omg Omg. When I saw this topic I instantly thought "who needs to ask which is better?". TMGC+C. Definitely. It's in Japanese, right, but I only know one word of Japapnese (download) and I got on fine. I have had my TMGC+C for over two years now and had my Tama-Go for - well - about 5 months. Since December 2010. So I can judge pretty well.

I go TMGC+C, the Tama-go SUCKS. It's better to get nothing than to get the Tama-Go.

It totally depends on your budget. If you can spend no more than $20 for a tama I would definitely suggest the Tama-Go. But IF you do have money for a TMGC+C....GO FOR IT!! I have both of these tamas and if you only look at what the tama itself offers I definitely prefer the TMGC+C. Even though it is in Japanese, anyone who has had any experience with tamagotchis (even the older versions) will be able to play it. You quickly memorize which option does what, and add to that the multiple explanations on this forum on the menu and stats screens (which has been fully translated into English and are pretty simple to print out) and you have not problem whatsoever with the fact that it is in Japanese. The color screen is brilliant and the tama is a 'closed system' so you don't need to download anything onto it, everything is included on the tama itself. The characters and animations are also awesome and battery life is not bad either. Hope my ranting helped. :D

Keep voting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Definately TMGC+C I have owned both and I think it is way better. By far. And, it's smaller, but it has color and the Tama-Go doesn't. Rather counter-intuitive i think.. :D

Please keep voting i have extended the votes so please keep voting there were only like 5 or 6 votes!!!!Please tell your friends I really want to know if i should get the tama-go or the tamagotchi color pLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the +C is much better. I heard it's not too hard to use even though it's in Japanese. You'll soon learn which each option does and stuff, AND you could check online for tutorials and character charts. Plus, it's in COLOR! :D

The Tama Go is alright, but it's a lot funner with figures, which are much harder to find nowadays since they've been discontinued in a lot of stores. And also, the characters are much harder to get than the +C, since it's sometimes at random and the +C has growth charts online to help you out.

Sooooo, just get the +C if you have the money.

Here are possible places to buy figures if you choose to get a Tama-Go:

Toys R Us (UK and perhaps America?)

The Warehouse (NZ)

Toy World (NZ)

Walmart is a store talked about a lot on here, but it's not in my country, so perhaps that one too? The Warehouse I know is getting a delivery of Tama-Go figures this week, and I think Toy World already has the Wave 1 figures in stock (gonna go and check later today!). As for the others, I'm not in the right country, so I don't know!

I don't have the +C so I can only vote on the Tama-go.

I really like it. It's a challenge to get some characters, the figures are super fun, it's cheap enough that if I lose it I can buy another one without having to work for the whole summer, and, frankly, just because something's in color doesn't mean it's better. (Sorry, that sounded really harsh but I didn't know how to say it otherwise)

I don't have the +C so I can only vote on the Tama-go.

I really like it. It's a challenge to get some characters, the figures are super fun, it's cheap enough that if I lose it I can buy another one without having to work for the whole summer, and, frankly, just because something's in color doesn't mean it's better. (Sorry, that sounded really harsh but I didn't know how to say it otherwise)
Now that I've got two figures, I see the actual fun in the Tama-Go. No, I'm not leaning either way, I'm split between the two. There are equal advantages...


1. It's in colour

2. The games are really cool

3. You can connect with the iD and iD L


1. The figures are fun

2. Some characters are a challenge to get

3. Training bar and Friendship

...and disadvantages...


1. PRICY!!! Well, I don't need to list that one, but I got to put it in order to weigh it all up.

2. Gets boring after a few generations

3. Only 12 adult characters in all, in contrast to the Tama-Go's 20 adults!


1. Figures can be hard to get in some countries, i.e. NZ

2. It is sometimes too hard to get a Perfect Care character

3. Photos of the screen don't turn out well so it's not good for logs

It really depends on these three things:

1. Your budget

2. Your graphics preferences

3. Your ability to care for it a lot

If you have a tight budget but lots of time to care for a Tama, I definitely recommend the Tama-Go.

If you are price flexible and can't pay it a lot of attention, you're better off with the +C.

Color, iD, iD L and the Melody version? I think that's what it's called anyway - those are superior to the Tama-Go. I was going to settle for a $20 dollar Tama-Go but then I saw a cute kid playing her Tamagotchi iD L and I was like wow! How cute is that tamagotchi! So I bought a purple one. Arrives in 3 days. Pulling my hair out waiting to be honest! Get a color. Tama-Go SUCKS.

From the posts i have recieved i have now confirmed that both tamas are equal so it is a TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tamagotchi color: 50%

Thank you for voting since i have already bought my tama-go i feel like getting a tamagotchi idl nxt yr so thank you for voting.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have the +C so I can only vote on the Tama-go.

I really like it. It's a challenge to get some characters, the figures are super fun, it's cheap enough that if I lose it I can buy another one without having to work for the whole summer, and, frankly, just because something's in color doesn't mean it's better. (Sorry, that sounded really harsh but I didn't know how to say it otherwise)
You like it because, as I am stating for the third time, you are just incredibly lucky to have the time and energy and motivation and the gift of not seeing the pixels.

"The gift of not seeing pixels".

To be honest, sometimes I do.

On the Tama-go, honestly I never really cared about any of the characters. I was just rushing from here to there trying to get to the next generation, ok, bye whatever your name is.

On the iD L, I feel like it's so rushed that whenever I see them walking away, I say, "no... don't leave... I'll miss you..." So it has me care for it more. Possibly because it's in color and more lifelike, with all the different features and things you can do. Possibly because I have no pets.

Possibly because of the way I am.

I always have to be obsessed with something, and 90% of the time it's something I can look after. Kooky pens or imaginary unicorns, but Tamas are by far my favorite.

Really, I you have to find a version that you fall head over heels for. I was staring at the iD L on my computer screen for weeks before I started to get an idea of asking my mom. Some more admiring, asked. Bit my fingernails (no, not really) waiting, and finally it's here. It lived up to my expectations and the characters I'm so in love with. If you can find a Tama that you love, and take care of Tamas while putting some love into it, also imagining that they are real (I know, it's hard, but if you really try, you'll have dreams about them that make it seem awesome. :) ), then honestly you'll have no trouble finding what's great about them. Also just running one or two seems to help.

Oh my gosh you did not just compare the tamago to the tmgc+c

The tamago is so bad. The tmgc+c is good.

k got it?

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