Tamagotchi Happy Meal Story found!


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I have one! Wow, that was like 9 or 10 years ago. :chohimetchi:

Mine is still kickin around somewhere.. I remember coming accross it not long ago. It's orange and looks like a tamatchi, but I'm not exactly sure if that's what it is. :gozarutchi:

Glad you were able to find another. :lol:

you guys i know this is off topic but are there any chat rooms? and can you please answer!!!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ :huh: B) :huh: :) ;)

Wow....your lucky! I look on Ebay all the time and I can`t find it! (note: I live in the UK and use EbayUK)

They had tamagotchi toys a long time ago

in taiwan, a little less than 10 years ago, i got a :) look-alike keychain

and the case was purple or something it's supposed to be an imitation P1

hey can anyone help me find the thread about Tama-Suku 2 on Tama Talk? i can't seem to find it

[SIZE=10pt]I have three of those. One keychain like the one shown in the picture (a Kuchipatchi, I think), one with a removable plastic Tamagotchi (Dunno, it looked a little like a dog) whose mouth opens and closes, and one where you wind up the back and the beak and wing of the tiny Kuchipatchi (I think) inside move. My mom got them years ago, before I had any idea what Tamagotchis were.[/SIZE]

EDIT: Just noticed the image cattyliu816 posted. I know we have two (I'm pretty sure the case is a different color), five (the keychain is yellow), and seven (the case is orange).

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Ha, I have oodles of those somewhere. xD

Actualy, I have a little glow-in-the-dark tama hanging on my corkboard. ^^

I think that isn't right because the way i herd it was that they didn't even ask the tamagotchi company. So please tell me if you know what realy happend :huh: :huh: :huh: :D ;) :D :lol:

You should have kept it in a safe place. If i were you i would have went and asked for a new one!!!!!!
Hey, so what. People misplace things! Like you haven't lost anything before!!

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