Tamagotchi ID L on Ebay?


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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United States
Sorry if this topic is in the wrong section, I'm somewhat new here. Anyways, I have NEVER bought anything from Ebay before. My mother found someone on Ebay who claims to be selling an English ID L. They included multiple pictures, in and out of the box.


The seller's name is matrix-king. Now that I look closer, it says it's being delivered from Hong Kong, and I heard that it's not very safe. The seller has 100% positive feedback. Do you think I should buy it?

Yes, you can trust Ebay! I order most of my stuff from that website (not only Tamagotchis), from sellers coming from all over the world.

-My dad orders from China like, 10000 times a year! It gets lost 1/10 he says. I suggest your get a tracking number...

I've seen a sealed pink one today, 5 bucks cheaper (I think). Browse a little more, and don't forget to set the price range from Lowest to Highest!

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Thanks! Also, I know this isn't a part of the topic but, does the ID L have a pause feature of some sort?

EDIT: Nevermind, I looked it up. Thanks for the other information!

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I want to bring it to your attention that the out of box pic the ID L E is the pink one but the in box shows a yellow one. Might not be a big deal, might just be showing how it looks with his own ID L E. But I'd suggest posting here to see if a member would be willing to part with theirs as that price is a bit high.

Thanks for syaing that, I didn't notice it before. I'm sure there could be others on Ebay, I just gotta keep looking. :3

It's from Hong Kong because iDLe's were produced there. You most likely won't find an iDLe from anywhere else, maybe except UK or Australia, as they exported them there. Are you sure you want an english version though? The translations are not that great and I've heard that the toy itself is of a slightly worse quality than normal japanese iD L's, and they are way too expensive.

I've only ever had connections and I don't know much about any other versions in the first place. I was just thinking poor English would be better than no English at all. Maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way? :S

Well, it's your choice and your money, but to me it would be kind of a waste- you can buy a special edition 15th anniversary iDL for this much. The navigation is very easy and the dialogs aren't really anything important, especially since on the english version they had to water them down a lot.

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