Tamagotchi iD L


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Ravenclaw Tower
My friend recently got an iD L. Its super cute, looks fun, and seems like a great tama. So naturally, I want one ;) We were talking to each other and came up with a list of pros and cons of getting one:


1. Really cool, new characters

2. Features (restuarant, animations, shower, new rooms, weather, etc.)

3. Color screen!!

4. Pretty/shiny (hehe :) )

5. Pets and Clothes

6. Games


1. Delicate

2. Expensive

3. Mostly in a foreign language, Japanese

4. Needy(?)

I already got some good advice from my friend and OldSchoolTama (thank you guys! :) ), but I was wondering what everyone else's opinions were, too, just because before I make the expensive purchase, I really want to know what I'm buying. What I really want to know is how needy they can be. I'm probably one of the busiest girls ever, and with going to a new school next year in addition to dance, theater/drama club, and violin lessons, I'm not sure if its such a good idea to get a needy tama. Is it like the TamaGo (wont die easily) or the v2 (dies unexpectedly)? Any info would be much appreciated!! :) :)



I own a tamagotchi id l. I have to say it's great! Even if you're that busy, I still recommend it to you. I'm very busy also, but I let my tamagotchi sleep while I'm away. They don't stop growing if you set the time to sleeping time. I have to admit they are kind of needy. If you can't watch over them, make them sleep. There is a way to pause it, go to time. Do what you usually do to change time. Don't fully do it. Leave the icons blinking. That's how it gets paused. So, I recommend it to you. Hope I helped! :)

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You already know my take on the iD L but I've got some opinions on neediness as well. :) I don't think it's too needy. It's needy in the sense that you should put forth some effort into taking care of it, of course, but it's definitely no Oceangotch, Genjintch, or TamaOtch (notorious for being very needy). This is coming from a full-time nursing student with a 4.0 GPA (fingers crossed so that it stays that way or at least as close to that as possible throughout the program!) who still has time to volunteer, read for fun, hang out with friends, have a relationship, run 3 Tamagotchis, and log about them all at the same time...so there's personal experience from a fellow busy gal right here! :D I too alter the time so that it's sleeping during the day while I'm away for school/clinical rotations and awake the rest of time time. It can be done!

By the way, I think I've mentioned this to you, but the iD L is completely (not just mostly) in Japanese (actually, I think the only non-Japanese word I've seen was "OK"). I would not let that hinder you from getting one though. Honestly, after playing with it for a while and getting used to where everything is, it will be like the language barrier isn't even there!

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Thanks so much!!! You both helped so much!! :) :) I actually just bought one this morning, so I'll tell you how it goes!! :) Its so nice to hear I'm not the only person who has a busy life and likes to play with tamas! :) By the way, I love both of your logs and I read them all the time, so that really helped me get a feel for the iD L. Keep logging! :) :)

Also, please keep posting tips/info about the iD L. I can use all the help I can get :)

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