Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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I subscribed to the website with my spare email address (the one I use for subscribing to stuff that might send me junk mail), so I'll post anything they send me here. So far, this is all they've sent:

Thank you for subscribing!


Look for future emails from us with the latest news and updates about our Apps, products and activities.


Thank you!

EDIT: I just wanted to add a suggestion about that stories section...I recommend not sending rude or insulting posts. Tamagotchi LIFE probably already know they have haters, and they're not going to publish insulting stuff anyway. I'm not going to stop you from doing it, but that's just what I think. I'll probably say something about good memories of Tamagotchi, then how I felt when Tamagotchi LIFE was released, then something hinting that I hope the new product is good. This will tell them that not everyone is happy with their release but we don't completely hate it.

Join the Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. movement…a celebration of friendship, love, nurturing and fun. A place that brings the best of life to young women who are changing their communities through passion and dedication.
OMG I am sooooo out of this. LOL

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Oh come on guuuuuuuurl, you know you so fiiiiiine! ;)

(I couldn't resist.)
LMAO xD Thanks so much for the good laugh... but why does that line remind me of someone famous? LOL

As for that story with "confessions" thingy, what has the picture got to do with the story (let alone related to Tamagotchis)? The others posted their collections, but that one is? :p

*static* Over and out!

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I don't know why no one likes it. I'm just glad they came up with SOMETHING. I thought they had forgotten about us Americans entirely!

I see... nothing Tama related about pets.... I know they're virtual pets but..... wha?

I'm all for charities and all but, they're targeting young women okay, i get that.... but such women were what? 7? 8? When the vintages were out. And back then it wasn't about fashion or shelters so I'm confused on why exactly they're doing this. I know they want to spread good things but to use an old icon for it that some people (probably most) grew out of seems rather... odd.

I just can't seem to make the connection, tbh.


it seriously seems like a mishmash of everything that does not have to do with tamagotchi!

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it seriously seems like a mishmash of everything that does not have to do with tamagotchi!

In before they say it's a type of pink sauce pasta.

Laaaame-o! Well there are probably lots of people who like vintage Tamagotchi, but why should they be interested in clothes and stuff of Tamagotchi, let alone stuff that's nothing to do with anything. Let's take me, fore example, I like Hello Kitty but do I ever buy Hello Kitty clothes and beauty products? NO! I like Tamagotchi but would I ever buy Tamagotchi clothes and beauty products? DOUBLE NO.

I like zombies and i wear zombie shirts. :B

Okay bad example, but I know what you mean. XD What i think is, since Tamagotchi has been long since far done here in the USA, and even when they tried to bring it back with Connection... not a lot of people still know what it is, so to wear the fashion, people are not really going to know too much unless they ever had one.

And then watch, it's going to spawn a new Hipster meme.

Granted I might get a shirt... (that's a big 'might') but only if it's not super thin and not pink, maybe a green and black if they had one. But since I know it's a 'girl fashion' type clothing, I know it'll be thinner than a paper towel and i won't get it. My line of work doesn't allow for thin shirts.

A Tamagotchi is a small egg shaped device in which you raise an electronic pet. A Tamagotchi is not an article of clothing, nor is it a fashion accessory. Why is it that they seem to have difficulty grasping this?

A Tamagotchi is a small egg shaped device in which you raise an electronic pet. A Tamagotchi is not an article of clothing, nor is it a fashion accessory. Why is it that they seem to have difficulty grasping this?
I really think Sync Beatz has nothing to do with the Tamagotchi; they just licensed the brand name from Bandai so they can use the "Tamagotchi" name to brand those stuff :eek:

And yes, they're planning to completely kill the Tamagotchi concept by introducing an app.

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