Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai


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As I looked in topics....Bandai said they would not release anything until the summer of 2013..(Well that's in the UK at least)

But, maybe things have changed now..we just have to wait and see.
Yes... But perhaps this isn't a new Tamagotchi that they're releasing? It certainly doesn't sound like one to me. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.

Since the thing that they are gonna show us what Tamagotchi L.I.F.E is at June 12. that only means we have 2 weeks left tell they are going to say what it is!

Yes... But perhaps this isn't a new Tamagotchi that they're releasing? It certainly doesn't sound like one to me. We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.
Yeah. That's what I think as well, but its kinda strange...

i really do hope they make a new tamagothci soon, i only got one tamamgotchi and the others well, one is a game boy game the others an old aplication for the cellphone.

> Aiming the line towards the large female fanbase

> Completely ignoring the also large male fanbase


(Hopefully, it'll still be neat, though!)

Actually, making the Tamagotchi virtual pet into a smartphone app makes a lot of sense! The Tamagotchi's form factor is made to be easily portable, and what is more portable than the phone you carry with you every day? Plus, Bandai could add lots of new features, as well as a vibrant look, to Tamagotchi, without shooting the price per unit up!

Actually, making the Tamagotchi virtual pet into a smartphone app makes a lot of sense! The Tamagotchi's form factor is made to be easily portable, and what is more portable than the phone you carry with you every day? Plus, Bandai could add lots of new features, as well as a vibrant look, to Tamagotchi, without shooting the price per unit up!
But what about those of us who don't have tablets/smartphones? Are we done for?

But what about those of us who don't have tablets/smartphones? Are we done for?

I agree. I don't own a tablet/smartphone (my dad has a iPhone but that doesn't count because its not mine). if they just made a new tamagotchi a tablet/smart phone/iPod touch app would be getting rid of the people who don't own one. all they should do is make a new tama or mabey ever use Graficks idea of the tamagotchi vibe

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*gasps* *Starts hyperventilating* OH MY- OH MY- OH MY GODS OH MY- *shot by all the sane TamaTalkers* *still "Oh my-"ing *


*edit* @ Dazz's post: I agree that it's a little fishy. (And I would be SO mad if a new tama weren't in the picture) but to me, any acitivty in the Tamagotchi area of Bandai is a good sign and quite exciting. I'm going to release my nervous energy somewhere else now...

(haha, I was so busy freaking out I didn't bother to read any of the posts)

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I agree. I don't own a tablet/smartphone (my dad has a iPhone but that doesn't count because its not mine). if they just made a new tamagotchi a tablet/smart phone/iPod touch app would be getting rid of the people who don't own one. all they should do is make a new tama or mabey ever use Graficks idea of the tamagotchi vibe
I agree with some of you guys. In my family, we have never been part of the cell phone craze. The only cell phone we own at the moment is a cheap one that belongs to my dad. As it can only call, it's for emergencies. I don't want Tamagotchi do become another thing that I can't enjoy like Angry Birds or any of those other things that all my friends with their sparkling iPhones and whatnot. You don't have to pay $500 dollars for a Tamagotchi. For an iPad, you do.

I have a smartphone, and while I would definitely be interested in a tamagotchi app if they released one, I would MUCH prefer they just create a new toy. I agree that it isn't fair to the people who don't have smart phones. Not everyone wants/needs a smartphone, and a large portion of tamagotchi fans are much younger than the age group of people who own smart phones. I know some kids have em these days, but most of them don't.

There is always a mark on Tamagotchi toys which say "6+" or "8+" and not many of them have phones like ShiningLion says. What does the true meaning of Tamagotchi mean? Tamagotchi was a name from the word "tamago"...but wait. What does "tamago" mean? Does it mean Phone? Does it mean App? No! It means egg, and by egg its the little egg that you hold in your hand...feeding it and loving it..if Tamagotchi turns into a big app company then what would be the meaning of the whole world. Young TamaFans will be heartbroken...thinking there will never be a Little egg again..

This is so exciting! Too bad I live in Norway. :p But I'll just order it though. :D

Yeah! I HATE the idea of an iPhone app - I don't have a mobile phone or a smart phone or anything! That sucks... What are the smartphone-less Tama fanatics gonna do...?

Apps, furnishings, apparel, and health and beauty = BORING

<_< But it also said publishings, so maybe there will be Tamagotchi manga...?

Well, most of the stuff would be lame but some of it might be interesting. Everybody in TamaCraze chat was going on saying there would be a new color Tama, but this doesn't sound like... anything at all...

I'm not all "OMG" about this, but I HOPE it's something at least a tiny bit good... 0.o

Guys we have 1 week tell they tell us what it is. who knows it MIGHT be a tamagotchi with apps? idk kinda like a smart phone or something. but then again if that's what it is they probably will make it around $80.00. something people even me cant afford >_<

There is always a mark on Tamagotchi toys which say "6+" or "8+" and not many of them have phones like ShiningLion says. What does the true meaning of Tamagotchi mean? Tamagotchi was a name from the word "tamago"...but wait. What does "tamago" mean? Does it mean Phone? Does it mean App? No! It means egg, and by egg its the little egg that you hold in your hand...feeding it and loving it..if Tamagotchi turns into a big app company then what would be the meaning of the whole world. Young TamaFans will be heartbroken...thinking there will never be a Little egg again..
And what does the true meaning of Motorola mean? Motorola was a name from the word "motor"...But wait, what does "motor" mean? Does it mean "phone"? Does it mean "cable box"? No! It means "car", and by that I mean the handy radio you keep in your car, always there when you need it. If Motorola turns into a big phone company, then what would the name mean in the first place? Young Motorola fans will be heartbroken, thinking there will never be a "handy car radio" again.

...The thing is, companies and product lines don't stay the same forever; as trends change, new types of products are introduced. I do like the the traditional form of a Tamagotchi, but it doesn't make sense to pay $30-50 for a plastic egg. To me, it makes the most sense to focus Bandai's more content-rich experiences on existing platforms (bringing Tamagotchi to smartphones, iPods, or portable game systems), leaving the traditional keychain for, well, a traditional Tamagotchi experience.

Well...it dose seem kind of cool.....but only to a point. I really hope there is a new Tama!!! >.< But if it's not then what? An app i might be able to get if it's on the Kindle Fire. But if it's like Angry Birds i'm going to scream. I don't really like how there is everything and anything for it. If it's an anime/manga I would fangirl scream because i love anime~ If it's a video game I have know idea what I'd do, because I like video games too. But if it's stuff like shirts I might buy one. Depends on what it is...I really don't know about this

Bandai are taking a huge risk in releasing a Tamagotchi product line! The Tama-Go was released two years ago, and I think randomly releasing Tamagotchi merchandise by itself won't generate much attention, especially in America and other english-based countries.

I think they are relying heavily on the nostalgia aspect of this release which will swoop over older people. I think that they are hoping that people will look at this collection, think "Ooh I remember this when I was a kid!" and then rush to purchase one of the items so that they can relive their childhood memories.

I wish Bandai success with the Tamagotchi L.I.F.E Line, but not putting out a virtual pet along with the line is rather upsetting and may ruin its acclaim. :wacko:

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