Tamagotchi Life Cycles of V1-V5 Versions


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memetchi <3

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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The other topic was bumped so I made another thread of it.

Tamagotchi V1-3

Baby to toddler 1hour

Toddler to teen 24hours

Teen to adult 72hours (approx. 3days without pausing)

Adult till matchmaker comes 7-10 years old(if you dont pause)

Oldie 10+

Tamagotchi V4 and V4.5

Baby to toddler 1hour

Toddler to teen 24hours

Teen to adult 48hours (approx. 2days without pausing)

Adult till matchmaker comes 6-9 years old(if you dont pause)

Oldie 9+

Tamagotchi V5 famitama

Baby to toddler 1hour

Toddler to teen 48hours (approx. 2days)

Teen to adult 48hours (approx. 2 days)

Adult till matchmake comes 2days

Tamagotchi Music Star

Baby to toddler- 1hr

Toddler to teen- 24hrs

Teen to adult- 30hrs

Matchmaker comes at 6-oldie and then 2 days after oldie+

Oldie- About 10

*Made by UraEvil* NOTE: I meant to say of EVERY Version sorry. :angry:

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Well for Music Star, I understand for the growth for baby, child, and teens. But since I have a Music Star myself. I believe there was something a bit completely different I got out of them when there adults.~

*Teen to adult- after 24 hours(still teen), the teen turns 2 yrs within two more additional hours(total 26 hrs.). Then they have to wait 4 or 5 hours to change into a adult(total 30 or 31 hrs.). This is all without pausing. Idk but that how my Music Star did it. Raised it all to 9 gen.~

*Meeting Matchmaker- The matchmaker comes when your adult turns 5 yrs and then goes onwards. Matchmaker also keeps coming if your adult turns into a oldie at 9yrs and so onwards till it dies.~

*Mating with Bandmember- They only show up at 8pm when your adult Tamagotchi is 7 and 8 yrs. So you don't really actually have to practice more often with the bandmembers for them to show. It's only your Tamagotchi that practice on it own when you see it playing its instrument a lot. But I don't think that is all not necessary. They will probably show up anyways without neither.~

*After Parent Leave- When you have a new generation, Possible that the baby will inherit part of the parent skills. Parents leave the items, foods, and everything but they take all the money(which means you end up with 0 when they leave). But parent will send money to the child till its old enough to pass the auditions(I think).~

That's all that came out of my Music Star. Since it is my only one anyways. I hope this does help everyone. I try my best to help.~ ^^;

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Wait, what do you mean by that many YEARS?! REAL LIFE YEARS?! 9 YEARS?! SERIOUSLY?!

Sorry caps.

I think the TamaGo is

One hour as a Baby

24 hours as a toddler

24 hours as a teen

and has to be 6+ years to use the dating place

This topic is very helpful, I thought there was something wrong with my teen v3. :)

Oh thank you so much :)

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