Tamagotchi Love


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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None of your buisiness
Mimitchi had fallen in love with Mametchi as soon as she layed eyes on him. Even though she wasn't a part of the Mametchi Fan Club, she liked him more than Makiko, Ringotchi, or Young Mametchi combined. But Mametchi set his sights on another girl; Chantotchi. Mimitchi's heart sank whenever he stared at Chantotchi instead of her. What did Chantotchi have that she didn't?

One day, Mimitchi was walking down the road, her bunny-ears drooping, when she bumped into the Matchmaker, Otokitchi.

"What's wrong, Mimitchi?" the Matchmaker said.

"Mametchi-I like him, but he likes Chantotchi, and barely ever notices me," Mimitchi said.

"Does Chantotchi like Mametchi back?" Otokitchi said.


"Then I have an idea for you, Mimitchi," Otokitchi said grinning.


"Yes, dear. Do you have any idea what's coming up, Mimitchi?" Mimitchi stared at Otokitchi, confused. The Matchmaker stared back, smiling from ear to ear. She came close to Mimitchi's ear.

"Valentine's Day."

Mimitchi ^_^ thanked the Matchmaker and excitedly ran home

At home, Mimitchi's mother and father were very suprised to see her in a good mood

"Why are you in such a good mood?" her mum asked

"I just am!" Mimitchi shrugged, hiding the truth

Valentines Day, had she forgotten it?

yes, she did!

Mimitchi skipped all the way up to her room, and wrote a secret admirer letter to Mametchi

planning to give it to him on valentines day.

3 blocks away, at her shore house, Makiko was counting all of the boys in her class, and multiplying the answer she got by 2.

"There, Now thats about how many Valentine cards i should get!"

she too, was planning a love note that Mametchi would soon receive.

That night, while Mimitchi was eating dinner, Makiko snuck into her room (which is on the second floor of Mimitchi's house) and saw the letter!

"Why that little...." Makiko growled, but then realised "Hey! Mimitchi likes Mametchi!"

And off she went, with a wicked smile on her face

Makiko had stolen the letter, but Mimitchi didn't notice, because she had placed a fake envelope to look like the real one. She slept peacefully, not knowing what Makiko had done.

The next morning, Mimitchi danced with joy as she awoke. It was Valentine's Day! She quickly grabbed her bag, snatched the envelope, and rushed to school without even eating breakfast. But as she entered the schoolyard, a nasty surprise was waiting for her. She sat down on the ground, about to pull out the envelope, when Ringotchi came by, and by the looks of it, she was holding back a laugh.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mimitchi." she said, then burst into laughter. Mimitchi lifted her head, and her eyes opened in shock. A huge banner draped the trees painted with the words "Mimitchi Loves Mametchi!" She turned around, and saw every tree had a carving of a heart with Mimitchi and Mametchi's name. And stapled to the trees and taped to the walls were copies of Mimitchi's love letter. Mimitchi held back tears, and went through the agonizingly painful day, without giving a single thought about Mametchi. Everyone who passed her pointed and whispered, until finally the day was over. Mimitchi hid in the smallest corner of the playground, as she watched others laughing and pointing at her. Mametchi only watched, feeling sorry for Mimitchi, and watched her disappear down the road in the fading sunlight.

Though Mametchi pitied Mimitchi, he began to think. He mulled it over. Only one person came to mind when he thought hard enough, and that was the Mametchi fan club.

Yes it was just like Makiko to do something like this, and he had a quick flashback of preschool, back when Memetchi and Makiko had first met.

Makiko had taken the arts and crafts scissors and cut off Memetchi's curl.

So it was probably Makiko's doing. Ringotchi and Young Mametchi didn't seem like the kind of people who would think up something this horrible.

Now how was he supposed fix this?

So that Saturday Mametchi decided to visit Mimitchi's house. He knocked on the door, waiting for Mimitchi to come. But instead, Mimitchi's mother popped her head out the door.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Mametchi," Mametchi replied. "I'm here to see Mimitchi." Mimitchi's mother's eyes narrowed.

"You're not in with that little witch Makiko, are you?" she said fiercly. "If you are, go away and leave Mimitchi alone!"

"No, no." Mametchi said. "I'm a friend, I wanted to see how Mimitchi's doing." Her mother nodded, and opened the door.

"Sorry if I scared you." she said. "That Makiko really hurt Mimitchi, the next time I run into her I'm gonna give her a nice little TALK. Anyways, Mimitchi's upstairs in her room, she's real upset." Mametchi climbed up the staircase, and found Mimitchi's door slightly ajar. He popped his head in.


She was curled up in a ball on her bed, her back facing the door. She didn't react to Mametchi's voice.

"Can I come in?"

Mimitchi groaned. Mametchi supposed this was a yes. He took a step into the room and only just managed to smother a gasp.

Everything was broken. Chair legs had been snapped off, curtains ripped down, and the vanity mirror was smashed, a pile of broken glass sitting on the floor next to a hairbrush.

Drawers had been pulled from the dresser and their contents thrown all over the floor. And everywhere tacked up on the walls were crude drawings of either Makiko dying some horrible death, or hearts with big red slashes through them.

But the worst part of the wreckage was the bedside table. It had an empty tissue box and was covered in used tissues. Mimitchi had been crying.

"Go away, Mametchi." Mimitchi groaned.

"But-" Mametchi began.

"I said GO!" she shrieked. Mametchi backed away, and left the house.

As soon as Mametchi was out of sight, Mimitchi got out of bed, a serious look on her face. She pulled out a long punching bag from her closet, and hooked it to the ceiling.



And this continued all night.


The next day, Mimitchi came into the schoolyard wearing a spiked collar and her ears drooping. Makiko came up to her.

"Hey, Emobunny." she sneered.

"Shut up." Mimitchi growled.

"Emobunny! Emobunny! Mimitchi is an Emobunny!" Makiko chanted. Soon everyone was chanting.

"Emobunny! Emobunny! Mimitchi is an Emobunny!" they chanted.

"I said SHUT UP!" Mimitchi shrieked. Silence fell over everyone for a moment, then the chanting resumed.

"THAT'S IT!" she shouted. She shoved through everyone until she reached Makiko, who smirked.

"You have made all my years here MISERABLE." Mimitchi growled. She socked Makiko square in the face, and Makiko fell on the ground. Mimitchi walked up to her, then grabbed Makiko's long curls, holding the purple Tamagotchi a foot above ground, then punching and scratching her continuously like a punching bag. Eventually the principal caught her, and brought her to his office.

"Mimitchi, I just talked to your parents." he said.

"So what?" Mimitchi hissed.

"We decided that you shouldn't come to this school anymore." he continued. "You've been moved to the Mame City School."

And Mimitchi went home early that day, knowing that the on Monday she would be sent to Mame City.

The next day had come. Mimitchi's mother came into her room, a paper bag in hand.

"Mimitchi, wake up." she said.

"Mom, it's Saturday." Mimitchi groaned.

"Yes, but you need to take a placement test. The school just called."

"Ugh, fine."

Mimitchi's mother drove Mimitchi up to the school building in Mame City.

"Here we are." her mother said. "I'll wait out here, the test will be about an hour."

Mimitchi went into the building, and into an empty room for the test, where a teacher was waiting.

"Hello, Mimitchi." he said brightly. "Here's your test."

Mimitchi took the papers.

"Algebra." she said, looking at one paper. "And reading comprehension." she added, looking at the other.

"Now let's do an example on the board." the teacher said. "This equasion: 8x-3=3x+17. Now what we do is-"

"X equals 4." Mimitchi said. "And I'm done with the test."

"Already?" the teacher said, surprised. "Did you check your work?"

"Four times." she replied, handing the papers in.

"Oh my-" the teacher said. "You'll definately be put in the higher ranked class if you keep this up. You can go now."

"Thank you." Mimitchi said, and walked down the hall.

"That girl's a genius." the teacher whispered.

Mimitchi couldn't stand the new school. Everywhere she looked, Mametchi's face stared back at her. Literally everyone in the school was a Mametchi, who was only identifiable by the color hat they wore.

She continued to pick fights and vandalize the school property, but it never made her feel better. The teachers wanted so badly not to expel her, because her perfect SAT scored brought the city's averege up five percent, putting them ahead of their rival, Kuchi City.

Eventually the school ran out of money to repair all the things Mimitchi had broken. Windows smashed, locker doors banged in, students bashed up, taken home, and never seen again.

Mimitchi didn't want to do all these bad things. She missed the way it used to be, with being the brainy student always covered in Miss Perfect's A+ leaves. But emotion was like soda in her. She'd keep it so repressed, so hidden, that whenever someone shook it even slightly, it exploded.

Sometimes there was nothing in its path.

But sometimes there was. Locker doors. Windows. Students. Desks. School supplies. But the teachers were fighting the town's mayor to have her removed. Nobody cared about the damage, so long as they were ahead of Kuchi City. Nobody cared about how much Mimitchi had damaged, so long as they were ahead of Kuchi City. Everything was beat Kuchi City this, beat Kuchi City that.

It seemed to be the only thing on what is normally a very long list of teachers' concerns.

Back at Tamagotchi School, things weren't going so well in the lab. Kuromametchi and Mametchi were working on an advanced robot, and had all the parts ready, but couldn't quite assemble it.

"No, you idiot, the blue wire goes here!" Kuromametchi barked, snatching a wire from Mametchi's hand, about to plug it into the hard drive.

"No, it goes over there!" Mametchi said, trying to pry the wire from Kuromametchi's hand. "If you plug it in there, the circuits will overheat!" Even Tensaitchi couldn't quite understand the machine.

"What are we gonna do?" he said, holding many, many charts. "I've charted down everything, but it doesn't add up! How are we gonna get this project to the Science Fair if we can't build it?"

"And if we can't get it, we'll have to settle for some stupid chemicals." Kuromametchi added. "And we did that last year."

"Who would know how to assemble this?!" Tensaitchi wailed. "Who?!"

"I know who," Mametchi said sadly. "Mimitchi would."

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