Tamagotchi maximum!


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Jun 25, 2006
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bit to private,not tellin',sorry
how to bring ya tam 2 school without it being noticed:

sound off!

only check on it at lunch and break times

in class hide it in your tray or poket

never get it out during class

try making it camaflauge

at play/lunch go right to the end of the feild/table and check on your tama

dont hatch an egg during class, the babies can be very demanding! :)

some good sites:









if your pet has turned into an angel reset it

if your pet lasted a few days you havnt cared for it properly

if your screen has gone blank it may need new batteries or may be broken

if your pet keeps on waking you up in the night you may have set the clock wrong

if your pet looks differnt it means it has moved up a stage

things to do with your pet:

costomize your pets case with stickers or use a neaklace and tie it round your tam for a neak holder

make a generation book

play a game to guess what your pets weights are

hold a comp to see whos pet survives the longest but never pause it!

play rock paper sissors but choose items on your screen,for example

food educatin game

food beats game 1 pnt

loses education 0 pnts

and draws game 1 each

and work out the rest for yourself...

in bump maybe you could guess how many rounds your gonna do

make a bed for your pet by getting a match box and stuff cotton wool in it

you could maybe make a mini bag for your pet by using felt and sewing it 2gether

design your own pet on a blank peice of paper


up to 400,000,000 tams were bought in a year

there are over 50 types of pets like tamagotcis

it is better getting a tamagotchi ver.1 because you need to learn first

some japenise mobiles can connect to tamagotchis

there are such things as internet pets

there are up to 50 tam charecters


ver 2 only!



acbcabac:hair gel:400p


bcbacaba:love potion:3000p


last one u choose will b a mimitchi costume

the panda costume only works 1ce

a tama has to be at least 5 and connect 50 times to get married unless you use the love potion

to reset shop set time to 2:59 pm

set date to christmas and time to 10:29 and santa will come

to make tam older when baby reset it to a baby and do all the stuff you have to do and when its hatched name it but leave it on the name for 2 days or more

butterfly tams like flower drink

ringotchis hate cherries

baby tamas hate crab but love lollies

star charecters hate french fries

if you want a mimitchi play jump 5x when its a baby and bump 5x when child and teen play heading 5x

if you want an egg on your frienship list reset tam and hold bottons down for 10 secs

if you heer no beep press acb and get second tam ready then first tama will do a rom test then they will connect but choose version 1

whaleotchi goes to bed at 11 at night

there are no such things as tama twins!


14th feb:choco heart:150p

25th dec:turkey or cake:600p

your b day:parafai:500p

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

are you thinkin its tricky!

it is so pips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope it gives you more knoledge of tamas!


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