tamagotchi mini and bestfriends


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Jun 24, 2005
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info about minis:

*they are about the size of a large bottlecap (oval shaped)

*they come in 5 colours(?)

*they can't connect

*tamagotchis sleep differently on it, instead of sleeping in a bed , it sleeps standing up with a snot bubble in its nose

*its around 9.99

*it has a creature that looks simalar to kuchipatchi but its body is a bit more squihed :(

*it has a creature that looks like a marutchi with blushes and stuff


*2 tamagotchis

*around 35$

*they come in exclusive designs

*they look simalar but they are slightly dfferent shades (ones lighter than the other)


can't wait to get a mini!!!

has anyone else seen them?

I haven't seen them yet, but I really want to get a mini SOOO bad!! (I haven't seen them yet because my mom isn't taking me ANYwhere to get new tama's just because I have 3) Thanks for telling me!! I'm totally telling my mom so she'll NEDD to take me!!!!! :(

yes i saw them at target i only got a climpse of it cause we were shopping for school supplies.

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I was at WalMart today and saw the best friends pack and the mini, but i only got the mini... i'm not very impressed though. first and foremost, the instructions are somewhat Vague, i had a hard time starting my Tama off. It actually doesnt explain anything to do with the C button (or how it's status is shown/what it's reactions mean) and it makes almost NO sound, i cant even here it beeping, and i havent turned off the sound.

If i could ask, does anyone have more information on the Tamagotchi Mini? Also, does anyone know if there is a great difference between the Tamagotchi Version 2 Connexion and the Version 2 Connection? i have the Xion, but i dont know if it will be worth my money to get a Tion at all. thanks for the help! :hitodetchi:

:wacko: I'm really confused. I only saw the best friends pack at wal-mart. I haven't seen a mini around lately accept a glimpce at a target. I NEED A MINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :chohimetchi:
tamapenguin2---you SAW a Mini at Target? (Is it the one by your house or mine?) DETAILS!!!
It was the one by mine. Not to copy the earlier post, but I only saw part of it because I was shopping for school supplies! <_< Mom was being ennoying 'cause she PUSHED on. literally. WAAAHHH! <_<

what does the tamagotchi best friends do? i want one but i saw them for like 25 dollars :wub:

info about minis:

*they are about the size of a large bottlecap (oval shaped)

*they come in 5 colours(?)

*they can't  connect

*tamagotchis sleep differently on it, instead of sleeping in a bed , it sleeps standing up with a snot bubble in its nose

*its around 9.99

*it has a creature that looks simalar to kuchipatchi but its body is a bit more squihed :puroperatchi:

*it has a creature that looks like a marutchi with blushes and stuff


*2 tamagotchis

*around 35$

*they come in exclusive designs

*they look simalar but they are slightly dfferent shades (ones lighter than the other)


can't wait to get a mini!!!

has anyone else seen them?
i have a besfriends pack my mom got them for me in memphis tennese and they both have stars on them!!! + i debugged them + and thats not a snot bubble its coming out of their MOUTH anyway it is just how they sleep!! AND i have a mini actually 3!!!

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