Tamagotchi Mini Is Released?


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Hamtaro ham-ham

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2004
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My friend Stephanie had what looked like a Tamagotchi Mini. She said it was a Mini Tamagotchi. I didnt get to ask her much about it though because school was ending. You cant name it though...can somebody clue me in? Oh, and off topi, after my homework(doing it right now) I will stay on Tama Talk for many hours!!! YAY^_^!!

I have 5 minis! I'm going to get 3 more when I have the money, though! And this is what you cannot do:

- Cannot name

- No gender

- Only 3-4 stages

and.... yea. I think that's just about it! Happy to help, Ham-Ham!

Ok. Thanks! Yea. She said she couldnt name it and it wasnt a girl or boy. It was cute!

:angry: :D How much r they? :D :D :angry:
$7 to $14 - it matters where you get them. You should go to Toys-R-Us, thay ae at a good price there.

Ham-Ham: Yea! They are cute!

Yea! My friend has a light blue one. Maybe I should ghet one! I didnt see it on the tv for a comercial. maybe they are trying to surprise people?

Yea! My friend has a light blue one. Maybe I should ghet one! I didnt see it on the tv for a comercial. maybe they are trying to surprise people?
Yea! I have that one, too! And these:

1. Blue

2. Pink

3. Rainbow

4. Flames

Oh forget it! I can't think of all of the ones that I have!

I reckon the Tama Mini was a waste of money. I bought one yesterday, and today, I'm already like "Yeah ... hhhhhhmmmm ..." So I went out to the shops and bought a Tama Connection Version 2 instead. I'm going to give the Mini away to my cousin - maybe she'll like it. Don't buy the mini - it's not worth it.

OK, I have a tama mini

-Can't connect

-Can't Name

-No gender

-No icons

-Small (obviously)

-Goes from egg - marutchi - adult - adult, i no it's wierd.


Then it died of old age, well i had it 4 a month!

so now it goes EGG - MARUTCHI - KUCHIPATCHI and now i wait.

I don't get why the graphics aren't as good as the normal Tamagotchi ... I mean when you compare them together - it's really the same size screen just about (I mean where the dots are), all except the dots are bigger on the mini ... why can't they just be the same. I still reckon it was a waste of money. I'd love to put it back into its package and give it to my cousin (as I mentioned above) but she'll know I've already played with it because I pulled the plastic out so the battery starts etc. OH well ... I'll give it to her anyway, probably.

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